Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday my sweet friends!
There are always flowers for those who want to see them. ~ Henri Matisse
Isn't that a pretty bouquet? I asked my hubby to get me three roses; two red and one yellow for my tea today. He came home with quite a few more than three so I took a bouquet into my mother. I think I'll keep him!
Today would have been my father's birthday and so I am sharing my Old Country Roses because it was his favourite pattern.
Royal Albert Old Country Roses is one of the most popular patterns in the world and who wouldn't agree that this lovely pattern of red, golden yellow, and pink roses on a pure white background, trimmed with brushed on gold is so very beautiful? It sets a stunning table, I think.
My Daddy was very much a man's man who played every sport imaginable and enjoyed playing practical jokes on his friends. He did however enjoy the finer things in life too, like a pretty china pattern and flowers.
He brought my mother roses every week because he thought they were the most beautiful flowers and he thought my mother was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I adore flowers, whether they are growing in a garden, arranged in a vase, or captured forever under glaze on china. ~ Sandi
My father didn't wish to infringe on the Lavender Rose pattern I had started for my mother so he chose just a couple of pieces of OCR for her because he admired them.
This is how I came to own these two special pieces; a little china basket and the boot. I often use these pieces for holding spoons during tea time.
The teapot was a birthday present from my family.
"Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company." ~ Author unknown
...and the antique teacup was a gift from my sweet hubby in remembrance of my father.
The sugar and creamer were antique finds.
....t'is my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes. ~ William Wordsworth
If you look closely at the tea set, you can see the difference between the vintage pieces and the newer piece. Can you guess what it is?

The teapot holds about six cups of tea so I have set out three teacups for you including the OCR cup.
My father preferred strawberry shortcake instead of cake for his birthday. And because it is berry season here on the Island, I made strawberry shortcake.
I make my shortcake biscuits the same way as my tea biscuits only I add some sugar and nutmeg to the batter. I brush the tops with cream and sprinkle on a little sugar too.
I took a survey and most folks prefer the biscuits to cake for strawberry shortcake. How about you?
Would you like to join me for some tea and shortcake?
There is a difference in colour between the yellow roses on the vintage pieces and those on the teapot. The vintage roses have a peachy hue while the yellow roses on the teapot are pure yellow.
You know, we are all blessed with special people in our lives. My father was one of those people. He taught me what was important in life and he took me to church every Sunday. I wish he could have lived long enough to see how his grandchildren turned out. He would have been so proud to know that one of his great grandchildren has been named after him.
My Daddy has been gone a long time and if you still have your father with you, give him a hug today and tell him you love him.
Thank you for joining me for tea today and God bless you!
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land..." ~ Exodus 20:12
I am joining the following parties as well~
A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi
There are always flowers for those who want to see them. ~ Henri Matisse
Isn't that a pretty bouquet? I asked my hubby to get me three roses; two red and one yellow for my tea today. He came home with quite a few more than three so I took a bouquet into my mother. I think I'll keep him!
Today would have been my father's birthday and so I am sharing my Old Country Roses because it was his favourite pattern.
Royal Albert Old Country Roses is one of the most popular patterns in the world and who wouldn't agree that this lovely pattern of red, golden yellow, and pink roses on a pure white background, trimmed with brushed on gold is so very beautiful? It sets a stunning table, I think.
My Daddy was very much a man's man who played every sport imaginable and enjoyed playing practical jokes on his friends. He did however enjoy the finer things in life too, like a pretty china pattern and flowers.
He brought my mother roses every week because he thought they were the most beautiful flowers and he thought my mother was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I adore flowers, whether they are growing in a garden, arranged in a vase, or captured forever under glaze on china. ~ Sandi
My father didn't wish to infringe on the Lavender Rose pattern I had started for my mother so he chose just a couple of pieces of OCR for her because he admired them.
This is how I came to own these two special pieces; a little china basket and the boot. I often use these pieces for holding spoons during tea time.
The teapot was a birthday present from my family.
"Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company." ~ Author unknown
...and the antique teacup was a gift from my sweet hubby in remembrance of my father.
The sugar and creamer were antique finds.
If you look closely at the tea set, you can see the difference between the vintage pieces and the newer piece. Can you guess what it is?
The teapot holds about six cups of tea so I have set out three teacups for you including the OCR cup.
Royal Albert Old English Rose
Royal Albert Tea Rose
Old Country Roses
"I believe I could be a model child if I were just invited out to tea every day." ~ Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables - LM MontgomeryMy father preferred strawberry shortcake instead of cake for his birthday. And because it is berry season here on the Island, I made strawberry shortcake.
I make my shortcake biscuits the same way as my tea biscuits only I add some sugar and nutmeg to the batter. I brush the tops with cream and sprinkle on a little sugar too.
Would you like to join me for some tea and shortcake?
There is a difference in colour between the yellow roses on the vintage pieces and those on the teapot. The vintage roses have a peachy hue while the yellow roses on the teapot are pure yellow.
You know, we are all blessed with special people in our lives. My father was one of those people. He taught me what was important in life and he took me to church every Sunday. I wish he could have lived long enough to see how his grandchildren turned out. He would have been so proud to know that one of his great grandchildren has been named after him.
My Daddy, my first baby boy, and me.
My Daddy has been gone a long time and if you still have your father with you, give him a hug today and tell him you love him.
Thank you for joining me for tea today and God bless you!
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land..." ~ Exodus 20:12
I am joining the following parties as well~
A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi