Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

A Time for Change ~ A New Party

Hello dear friends~ I have something on my heart I wish to talk to you about. This is a rather long post so I hope you will indulge me by pouring a cup of your favourite beverage and reading through what I have to share with you. 

For quite some time now, I have been planning to make some changes here at Rose Chintz Cottage.

I began hosting my Tea Time Tuesday parties in January 2010 because I have a nice collection of teapots and teacups that I wanted to share with you. That's almost six years of tea parties! 

I have always enjoyed hosting this party and sharing tea and conversation with you lovely ladies each week. We have forged a wonderful friendship over the years and I am so happy we have all gotten to know one another. You are all very dear to me. Some of you have been with me from the very beginning and I so appreciate your faithfulness and support. 

Three years ago, I began hosting another party called HOME which I enjoyed very much. 

Unfortunately about two years after I began the HOME party I had major computer problems. It was a few months before I got everything sorted out again. Then, to be honest, I found hosting two weekly parties a bit overwhelming, so I felt it was a good time to shut my HOME party down. I did miss it however and the ladies that linked up to it.

One thing I have come to realize is that I want to share more than tea parties but I honestly don't have the time to write three or more blog posts a week. We are all busy people. Which brings me to what I'm about to share with you....

I do enjoy so many things in life.... Like all the little creatures and the beauty that nature offers us. I enjoy sunsets and walks along the beach as well as a trail through the woods. 

I love bird watching, writing short stories, sharing my faith, spending time with my family, giving an old piece of furniture new life, photography, collecting china, baking, etc... These are all things that I would like to blog about given more time. I used to draw and paint too but some health issues have prevented me from continuing that passion. I come from a family of artists so I have a great appreciation for art as well.

Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a home maker and even though I have worn several hats, nothing has ever brought me the joy and contentment that staying home and being a mom and home maker has brought me. You see, I thrive on bringing beauty and comfort into my home for my family and friends to enjoy.

I am a domestic diva and home is where my heart is. 

Over the years, as a home maker, a mom, and a pastor's wife, I have done a lot of entertaining, and I have oodles of recipes and ideas to share.

Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness. ~ Jane Austen

I have been pondering this for quite some time as I have already mentioned and I have decided to combine both Tea Time Tuesday and my previous HOME party into one party.



Now picture this...There is a nip in the air and the frost is beginning to paint lovely pictures on the windows but inside it's warm and cozy. 
A crackling fire is dancing in the fireplace and cookies are fresh from the oven. Big mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream are being savoured by those within.  

Mom has made home a nice place to be.

When my children were growing up, I took great pains to do special things for my family. I loved having the smell of fresh baked cookies, cinnamon rolls, or spicy apple pie greet their noses when they came home from school and work. Actually, in my home, cinnamon rolls were always called "Snails." 

It was the name my son put on them because they reminded him of snails. He was always the nature lover. *smiles*

My nesting instincts brought me joy. They still do.

Now I want to give each of you a chance to share what you are creating in your home to make it a delightful place for your loved ones to come home to. You are under no obligation to join my party but if you would like to, you are welcome to share any of the following: 

Tea time, tablescapes, cooking and baking,

recipes, antiquing, artwork, bird watching - 

because I adore our little feathered friends,

ceramics, crafts, collections, 

crocheting/knitting, quilting/sewing, floral 

arranging, gardening, home decor, hospitality, 

photography, refinishing furniture, renos. Did I 

mention tea time? That also means a trip to a tea 

shop too because I love to hear all about that. 

Thrift shopping, etc... Perhaps 

you have a new member of the family, a new baby 

or fur baby, I would love to see them too. 

Whew, well you get the picture! Anything and everything which makes your home more enjoyable to come home to, for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

There really is No Place Like Home.

I do hope all of my tea friends will continue to stop by and share their tea things for this new party. I will no doubt continue to share a tea related post myself quite often because I do enjoy it and I love pretty china. 

Those of you who may have something else to share which is home related, you are invited to link up and join me. 

This is my new party button and I hope you like it. You are welcome to right click and save this button if you wish. 

I am looking forward to this new venture and I hope you will join me on Monday, November 2 for No Place Like Home. On Monday, Tea Time Tuesday will become No Place Like Home. Have a beautiful day everyone. 

Sharing from my heart Sandi