Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 7 December 2009

A Beautiful Morning To You All!

Hello and good morning friends~ We had a very busy weekend and then yesterday the weather had us cooped up for most of the day. It was the coldest day of the season so it was nice to curl up in front of the fire and sip on hot cups of tea and enjoy the quiet.

We had our first snowfall yesterday and this is one of the scenes out my back window. The birdhouse which sits on the clothesline pole is looking very wintery today. The sun is shining and the world looks brighter with its fresh blanket of white snow. I'm sure all the little kiddies are happy that now it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I was just over visiting my new friend Elaine at and she is having a Giveaway! Three sheets of these wonderful vintage images that can be used all sorts of ways. The drawing takes place on December 12th, so if you're wanting these, better get over there and get yourself signed up.

I have finally finished all the decorating I'm going to do this year. My hubby and I are heading out west after Christmas to visit my middle son and his family, so I didn't decorate quite as much as I normally do. I thought it best not to have too much to put away when we get back from our trip. I did decorate the chandelier however. I wasn't going to but changed my mind. I'm glad I did now because it really does make the dining room look more festive. I love all the reds, and the greenery, and the twinkle of little lights behind the lace.

My Auntie Phyllis is home now and recovering from her heart attack and surgery. I am so very thankful that she is alright! Many prayers have gone up for her and I thank you all for that! God is good!

Well, I hope you all have a beautiful day filled with laughter and love. God bless you all!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi