Hello everyone and welcome to Pink Saturday in honour of breast cancer awareness! Please be sure to get your mammogram, ladies. It could help save your life!

I want to wish all my Canadian bloggy friends a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! This holiday is all about being thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives and it is about family getting together to enjoy a feast. l hope you all enjoy a wonderful turkey dinner with cranberries and lots of pumpkin pie and whipped cream!

I want to wish all my Canadian bloggy friends a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! This holiday is all about being thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives and it is about family getting together to enjoy a feast. l hope you all enjoy a wonderful turkey dinner with cranberries and lots of pumpkin pie and whipped cream!
I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life; my hubby, my children and grandchildren, some very special relatives, my home, my friends, and the freedom to worship my God in this country. I am thankful for all my wonderful bloggy friends too.
Today is October 8th and it is my 2nd blogiversary...
Happy Blogiversary to me!
Hard to believe! I am simply amazed at all I've learned and the friends I've made since I began my blog two years ago. Cupcake, anyone?
Hard to believe! I am simply amazed at all I've learned and the friends I've made since I began my blog two years ago. Cupcake, anyone?
When I first started blogging, I had no idea what I was doing. It was a hit and miss thing all the time. The help my son gave me was priceless and without the tips he gave me, I would still be spending an hour writing out everything by hand just to put on a new background. Believe it or not, I didn't even know how to copy and paste! Yes, I was pretty computer illiterat. Every Christmas, when my son comes home for the holidays, he spends time showing me how to do something new. Wonder what I'll learn this year?
Anyway, I'm glad I took the plunge and learned how to blog. I have 'met' some incredibly wonderful people since I began my blogging journey. Charlotte and her husband Clif of Spiritual Sundays were two of the first folks who befriended me and made me feel welcome. Carolyn and Millie also were among some of my first friends. Today, two years later, there are many more of you. Some of you ladies I have gotten to know pretty well as we have stretched our friendship from one country to another. I could name names, but you know who you are!
Blogging certainly has its rewards! I have won Giveaways, I had Giveaways myself, and now I'm even hosting my own tea party meme. Who would have thought? Certainly not me!
So, since it is Pink Saturday and my Blogiversary, I would like to share some of my favourite pink photos from over the past couple of years. Something I have gotten better at is taking pictures. Although these are by no means anywhere near professional, I like them and I hope you do too!
So, since it is Pink Saturday and my Blogiversary, I would like to share some of my favourite pink photos from over the past couple of years. Something I have gotten better at is taking pictures. Although these are by no means anywhere near professional, I like them and I hope you do too!
These are a few pieces of my beloved Rose Chintz and some pink roses which is one of my header photos.

My little teacup Christmas tree which sits in a Rose Chintz teacup and adorned with pink beads and crystals.
A pink candle lit tea.
My Bleeding Hearts...
My pink Therese Bugnet roses. 
Now, please make your way over to Beverly's @ How Sweet the Sound

My pink roses again in a "Rose Bud" tea pot.
This is a scene from a favourite spot on the Island; the River Clyde in New Glasgow, with pink roses in the foreground. My favourite tea room is located here.
My teacup tree filled with pink balls and miniature china tea things. It won't be long and I'll be decorating for the holidays again!
Thank you everyone and to all my followers, a great big hug for making me feel like I really do have something to offer in Blogland! Please join me on Tuesday for Tea Time Tuesday!
Thank you everyone and to all my followers, a great big hug for making me feel like I really do have something to offer in Blogland! Please join me on Tuesday for Tea Time Tuesday!
Now, please make your way over to Beverly's @ How Sweet the Sound
and check out her pinks as well as her lineup of pinkies. Have a wonderful pink weekend.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi