"Happy Blue Monday" everyone~ Thank you Sally for hosting this fun event. You can click on the link http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ or the Blue Monday button on my sidebar to visit other blues today.
One of my favourite confections, although I have several, is brown sugar fudge! Since I can't make my own {I have a hard time beating the candy while it cools; I only have success making chocolate fudge} and my mother can't make it for me any more; I am so happy to have discovered this fudge in the super market. It comes all the way from England and it satisfies my sweet tooth when I get a craving {which is more often than I ought to}. It also comes in a blue bag which is why I'm sharing it with you today.

Take it from me, it's as good as it looks!
Hmmm, what have we here? A little blue velvet box! Wonder what's inside?
This next item was a birthday present from my son Joel and his wife, Carina. They had gone down to the States to a Michael W. Smith concert at Christmastime and they bought two of these; one for Carina and one for me. When they came home in February, they brought this with them to give to me. I was so surprised and very happy! I would imagine most of you in Christian circles would be familiar with his music. He is one of my favourite singers and I was tickled pink to receive this hoody with Michael's name on the sleeve. It is navy blue with a big heart on the front and Faith, Hope, Love, and Serve on the back.