Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 29 November 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello all my lovely tea friends and Welcome to my 45th Tea Time Tuesday! Please come in and make yourself comfortable.

I am knee deep in Christmas decorations these days and my home is such a mess! Is yours like that too? With totes everywhere and decorations littering table tops and furniture, it looks as though a tornado has touched down! Soon, very soon, I will be done decorating and I can sit back and enjoy my home again.

Time for a nice hot cup of tea while I watch my little feathered friends swoop back and forth from the big pine tree to the feeder.
Since I am so very busy, today's tea will be a rather simple one and I would like to share something a little different. We are into the lovely Christmas season now and I have decided to share my teacup ornaments today. I thought perhaps you might enjoy seeing them.

These four teacups are from Germany and each one is so very cute on its own! They are made by Reutier Porzellan. Each one is trimmed in gold and they each have a sweet little handle. Sorry the photos aren't clearer!

The first one sits on a pedestal base in its own little saucer. It has red roses and tiny forget-me-nots.
The second has a pretty blue border and it is sprinkled with blue and red flowers. It has a tiny thumb rest.
The third is probably my favourite because of its shape. It is very ornate and some of the pattern is raised although the photo does not do it justice. It has an array of pink, blue, and purple posies on it.

The fourth one has a creamy yellow background with pink, blue, and yellow flowers. This little teacup has a split handle and tiny feet.

The last teacup is one that my hubby bought me years ago while we were in Nova Scotia. It is a pretty pink, white, and gold one made by Marianne's Porcelain. The interior of the teacup is gold as well. I took the liberty of gluing the cup to the saucer last Christmas so I could hang it on the tree. I'm glad I did for it makes a very cute ornament!
All of these teacups will be going on the main Christmas tree as I find they are a bit too heavy for my unborn granddaughter's tree.

The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose. ~ George Gissing

Now, how about some tea and a Scottish shortbread cookie? This teacup most of you have seen before. Amy @ Vintage Porcelain Art ~
had made it and I won it as a Giveaway last Summer. I love the soft green colour and her hand painted roses!
NOTE: Next week, I will be hosting Tea Time Tuesday as usual but I will also be participating in Kathy's "Christmas with Victoria." -
I have already begun working on it and I hope it will be a pleasant tea party for everyone here at Tea Time!

"You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O Lord." ~ Psalm 139: 2, 3.

Thank you for joining me for tea today. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will come again soon. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday, please let me know in your comment or you can email me ahead of time to let me know. If you wish, you may do coffee, iced tea, or hot chocolate instead of tea. With the Holidays coming, you may like to do hot apple cider or egg nog. A scripture verse, tea quote, or poem would also be welcome. My Tea Time button is near the top of my sidebar for you to use in your post if you wish. Please link back to me so your visitors may find their way here and visit with all of my lovely participants.

Happiness is having tea with a friend.

The participants listed below are in the order in which they first started to a participate.

Lorena~ - She is having a Tea Cozy giveaway so be sure to stop by and enter.

I am also joining the following hostesses for their parties today:

Martha~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Pam~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tuesday Tea for Two
Lady Katherine~ - Teatime Tuesday
Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Sunday 28 November 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Good morning friends~ I am joining Charlotte and Ginger for Spiritual Sundays.

This is the first Sunday of Advent and rather than quote the usual verses in recognition of the celebration, I decided to use John 1: 1-5

In the beginning was the Word of God, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being by Him; and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Please visit Spiritual Sundays by clicking on the link-

The Lord bless you!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Friday 26 November 2010

Pink Saturday

Hello bloggerettes! Hope you all had a wonderful week and all my American friends, a bountiful Thanksgiving!

Once again it's Pink Saturday and like everyone else, I'm looking for pink in my home. No problem this time of year as I always decorate for the Holidays with lots of this scrumptious colour.

Do you like mercury glass? Well, I love mercury glass, especially the gold and pink! So for today's post, I'm sharing my pink mercury glass hurricane lamp. It is fancied up with a glittery pink poinsettia, hydrangeas, and fruit. The hydrangeas are the same ones I used in the little tree and wreath I shared earlier this month. The poinsettia looks red but it really is more pink! Love all the sparkle and glitter!

As some of you know, I have my first granddaughter due on Christmas Eve. I have never bought a pink teddy bear before! Everyone of my grandsons got their first teddy from us {Nanny and Papa} and they were either blue or brown.

I am getting a Christmas parcel ready to send out west to my son and his family for Christmas and my little granddaughter's first teddy bear will be in the parcel. It is the softest and most huggable pink!

Cute, huh?

Well, pinkies those are my pinks for this week. Be sure to visit our hostess Beverly to see all the pinks out there.
I hope you all have a marvellous pink weekend!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday 22 November 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello my dear friends and Welcome to my 44th Tea Time Tuesday! I'm so happy you're all here today! Everyone is busy these days so I thought I would post a little earlier than usual.

I have some lovely refreshments ready for you so please come in and have a seat. I am serving Cinnamon Chai tea from my red transferware tea pot today.
As Christmas is fast approaching, I thought red would be appropriate. I love transferware, especially red, although I do love every colour. Transferware reminds me of a simpler time, a lovelier time. I feel it lends a Victorian touch to a tea setting, don't you?
Even though I am not featuring the magazine itself, I love Victoria as it transports one back in time to a beautiful era when poetry and loveliness were a part of life. I think it's a shame that our children today are deprived of learning poetry. I've always loved it myself!
Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~ Author Unknown
I have a wonderful creamy Trifle for your pleasure. It is made with fresh strawberries, cake, pudding, and whipped cream. A trifle is good any time of year and I think it looks pretty in my red-rimmed dishes.
I started collecting this glassware when I first got married. I can't find them any more so I am happy to have the number of pieces I do have. They are especially pretty at Christmastime!
I am sure one can find them on eBay but I never shop there any more.

My American friends are celebrating Thanksgiving this week and I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday! I hope you enjoy a bountiful feast with your loved ones.
Tea is served and I am using my Cream Lace teacup from Skye McGhie today. This pretty pattern goes with most anything so it does come in handy and I do love the laciness of the pattern.

Since it is Thanksgiving and a time for giving thanks, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for participating in Tea Time Tuesday or just stopping by for tea. You are all very special to me!

As I count my own blessings, I realize I have much to be thankful for! I am blessed to have the love of my life as my hubby, three wonderful sons, two lovely daughters-in-law, and four adorable grandsons. I also have my first granddaughter on the way. She is due on Christmas Eve; the perfect Christmas present!

I do have some health issues but I am thankful for the health I do enjoy; it can always be worse! I have a warm home to live in, good food in the refrigerator, and a warm bed to sleep in. I have a nice car to drive and a little Island to live on which is something like ten years behind everyone else. We still enjoy a little common courtesy and friendly hellos here. I have many wonderful friends and I live in a country where I am free to worship my God.

I am thankful most of all for a loving God who watches over me and accompanies me through this life one day at a time. He has blessed me abundantly in so many ways!
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. ~ Jeremiah 17:7
I would like to share this poem with you as I thought it was so appropiate for the holiday and today's post.
Author unknown
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes, because they will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday today. If you would like to participate in my tea party, please let me know in your comment or email me ahead of time and I will gladly add your link to my tea post. Just share a favourite teacup, teapot, or some china used in a tea. If you would rather, you may do coffee, hot chocolate, or iced tea. A tea quote, poem, or scripture verse is also welcome. The Tea Time Tuesday button near the top of my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. Please link back to me so your visitors may find their way here and visit all my lovely participants.
The participants listed below are in the order they first started participating.


I am also joining my fellow hostesses below~
Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Kathy~ - Victoria ~ A Return to Loveliness
Martha~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Pam~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Two & Tea for Me and Thee
Lady Katherine~ - Teatime Tuesday
Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Wishing you all a lovely Thanksgiving!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Hello everyone and welcome to another Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger!

Today's post is once again a devotion from Our Daily Bread. It spoke to me and I pray it speaks to you as well. It is penned by Joe Stowell.
"You are a chosen generation,....a holy nation....that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness." ~ 1 Peter 2:9
My wife and I have grown to love England - its history, culture, and people. One of our favourite activities when we visit is going to outdoor concerts {also known as proms} on the sloping lawns of ancient estates. "The Last Night of the Proms" event is the best, with fireworks and hundreds of nationals waving little British flags to rousing patriotic tunes.
We loved joining the celebration - until the summer our children came with us. When we started waving our flags with all the enthusiastic Brits, our kids were aghast. I can still hear them shouting over the music, "What are you doing?! You're Americans!"
God must often feel like that when we blend in and live like the ''locals'' around us. I can almost hear Him saying, "What are you doing living like that?! You belong to My nation!"
Peter reminds us that we are different from the locals- we are a "holy nation'' {1Peter 2:9}.
Being holy means that we are unique, set apart for Jesus, becoming like Him, and reflecting His countercultural ways of living. It means that we are forgiving in the face of cruel offences; and merciful, gracious, truthful, and loyal to our promises. It means being just like Him.
So let's start waving the flag of holiness as members of the "Jesus nation"!
If you would like to be encouraged and inspired please visit Charlotte and Ginger at and God bless you!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Friday 19 November 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday bloggy friends~ Once again the prettiest day of the week is here and we are all gathering at Beverly's to share our pinks.

For today's offering, I have a new cloche to share with you. I have assembled some pinky teacups beneath the glass and don't they look wonderful!For you teacup collectors, the teacups from top to bottom are - Rose Chintz by Gracie China, the lovely green one with the sweet little rosebuds on it is a hand-painted teacup which I won from Amy @ Vintage Porcelain Art -
and the last teacup is Rose Bud made by Maxwell and Williams.

A pair of kissing angels look pretty cute too and just right for the upcoming Christmas season. Even though these two cuties aren't pink, I couldn't help but share them with you too.
I am starting to decorate my little granddaughter-to-be's Christmas tree. She is due on Christmas Eve! And for those of you who don't already know, this is my first granddaughter and indeed the first little girl in the family! I have three boys and four little grandsons and now I'm about to have a little granddaughter too! So, this year, I am decorating my little white tree in honour of this blessed event.
This is one of the ornaments on the tree. There are three iridescent birdies and as you know there is always a pinky glow to anything iridescent. I guess the photo isn't very clear but trust me, these little birdies do look quite pink and sparkly on the tree!Then there is the little fairy which has the place of honour on the top. She is all dressed in white but her wings are iridescent so there is a pink tinge once again. Isn't she adorable? The walls in the den, which is where I have the tree, are painted a pale blue and the glow from the fairy lights makes it look rosy where the tree sits. I don't have the tree quite finished but when I do, I'll share it with you.

Well, those are my pinks for today. Thanks for stopping by. Please visit Beverly and her pink participants for more dreamy pinks.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Thursday 18 November 2010

Show and Tell Friday

Hello everyone~ Today I'm joining Cindy's Show and Tell Friday and Courtney's Feathered Nest Friday and I have been itching all week to share this!

I have had something on my Wish List for many years. Last weekend, I got it! Yes, dreams really do come true!

So without further adieu, here is my object of desire in the living room at long last.
A white full sized fireplace! She needs to be dressed properly, the mirror needs to be lowered, and the holes in the wall where the old mantel used to be need to be repaired but here she is in all her glory!Just in time for Christmas! I can't wait to dress her up!

I also got a new cloche. Not sure if the kissing angels will stay in there but for now, I like them!Thanks for stopping by today and please check out My Romantic Home ~ for all of Cindy's 'Show and Tell' participants and French Country Cottage ~ for Courtney's 'Feathered Nest Friday' particiants.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday 15 November 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome to another Tea Time Tuesday, dear friends! Today is my 43rd tea party and the closer we get to Christmas, the more you will see a little bit of Christmas in each post.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had an incredible weekend with wonderful warm temperatures and everyone on our street was decorating the outside of their homes. The stores are getting busy with Christmas shoppers and everyone is talking Christmas... I love it!

Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~ Catherine Douzel

I want to thank you all for joining me for tea today. It's always a pleasure to have you!

For today's tea party, I am sharing with you my newest tea pot. I found this a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't resist it! The price was too good to pass up plus I really liked the shape of it. I will go back for the sugar and creamer too. They aren't made of china but I thought it was very pretty. One side has flowers on it.
The other side looks like this. I think it's an elegant tea pot for not being made of china. This pot has a very comfortable handle.
I am using my Gracie china Rose Chintz teacup today.
A lovely lemon tart is being served with tea today. The Christmas wreath which I made makes for a nice background, don't you think?

A little Christmas cardinal dropped by to join us for tea.
A dollop of whipped cream on the side makes this slice of lemon tart extra nice. Have you started your Christmas baking yet? I hope to get at my fruit cakes in the next week or so as I will be sending one to my son and his family out west.
I usually make two fruit cakes; one sultana and one dark. I really prefer the dark cake because it also makes a lovely pudding when it is heated up and a sauce is poured over it. It is my grandmother's recipe and it is the best!
This year however I am just going to make two sultana cakes. My middle son and I prefer the dark but he won't be home for Christmas this year so I will just make two sultanas. Fruit cake makes a wonderful gift presented in a festive tin. It is also a lovely accompaniment to tea during the Christmas holidays.
What wonderful goodies do you plan to make for the holidays this year? I would love to hear all about it!

The perfect temperature for tea is two degrees hotter than just right. ~ The Quote Garden

I happened to find an August 2001 Victoria magazine in my stash and thought I would share a photo of a lovely lemon curd tart topped with fresh blueberries. Kathy @ A Delightsome Life hosts Victoria - A Return to Loveliness. She is a also hosting a Christmas with Victoria Party on December 6. I hope you will stop by her lovely blog and sign up for the party.
It is sure to be a pleasant way to spend some leisurely time during the upcoming busy Christmas season.

Also coming up on December 5-15, is my friend Beth's Christmas Poinsettia Party. Her party will be all about celebrating the loveliness of Christmas flowers used in decorating. I believe there may be recipes shared too. You may wish to sign up for her party as well. You can visit her at her blog - Food As Art -

NOTE: After this week's tea party, I will not be making any more announcements concerning upcoming Christmas parties because there will be many more coming up, I'm sure, and I don't want to offend anyone by accidentally leaving them out. Hope you understand.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday please let me know in your comment. Just share a teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. You may do coffee, iced tea, or chocolate if you prefer. The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. A tea quote, poem, or scripture verse would be most appreciated as well. Please link back to me so your visitors may find their way here to visit all my lovely participants.

" Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold....True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life." ~ Proverbs 22: 1,4

The participants below are listed in the order in which they first started to participate.


I am also joining the following hostesses for their parties~

Martha~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Pam~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Lady Katherine~ - Lady Katherine Teatime Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Me and Thee
Miss Spenser~ - Tea Cup Thursday
Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Friday 12 November 2010

Some Pinks for a Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday sweet bloggerettes! I have been busy getting ready for the season ahead. Planning menus, doing crafts, shopping, etc.

So now, the prettiest day of the week has arrived and what do I have to show you today?

These are some of the pink Christmas balls which I have been using in decorating this year. Aren't they purty?

I finally finished the wreath I have been working on. It's got lots of baubles, flowers, and sparklies.

Here is the little tree that I used as my inspiration. Rather than display it in the red pot it was in, I have decided I like it better in the toile hat box. You can see what it looked like before by visiting Christmas Pudding ~ which is my Christmas blog.

Here is the finished wreath. I realize you can't see all of the decorations but there are silver, white, pink, and gold balls. Some silvery branches tucked in here and there. Red berries and sparkly pinecones and of the course, the pink bow.

And here it is hanging on the door.

It really does look better in person! It was hard to get a good shot with the light coming in the window. Here it is at nighttime. Now I'm working on a centerpiece to match the wreath.

I love mercury glass, don't you? Especially when it's pink! I couldn't resist this one which I found at Michaels. I really like the adornment of the jewel on it which is the inspiration for the little silver grape embossed tray underneath.
Lastly, care for a cookie? This cookie with sprinkles is served up on a stack of pink plates and is really a candle melt. It smells like the real deal!

If you like to see more pink then please proceed to Beverly's blog and see her pink lineup.

Wishing each one of you a pretty pink weekend.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi