Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Spiritual Sundays- "Time"

Hello friends and welcome to Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger~

This is a re-post from a couple of years ago.

As you enter our den, I have three clocks displayed on the wall. One is Atlantic time where Hubby and I live along with our eldest son and his family. One is Toronto time which is where our youngest son is going to university; and one is Vancouver time which is where our middle son and his family live.
All I have to do is glance at those clocks and I know what time of day it is in each of those places and I can pretty much figure out where my boys are.....

I had written the following for the church bulletin and hope you will enjoy it.

Time often seems to drag its feet when we are young. I remember as a young girl, summer vacation seemed to last forever. I could never quite comprehend why the older folks used to say that Time passed by so quickly, they wondered where it had gone! Now that I am well past my girlhood, I do indeed find that Time flies by quickly. The older I get, the quicker it seems to go too. Indeed, Time seems to have sprouted wings!

I often told my sons when they were growing up that one must try to live each day as though it is their last. That way, we would appreciate the day and we wouldn't be so apt to take anything or anyone for granted. We need to use our Time wisely.

I believe each one of us has been ordained a certain amount of Time to live our life. As Christians, we can sometimes become too busy and too self-centered. We sometimes forget that there are those around us who are lost, lonely, and in need of a friend.

How do we spend our Time? Are we selfish with it or are we generous? Do we spend Time only with those with whom we are close or do we reach out to the lonely and those in need?

When was the last Time you 'stopped to smell the roses?' Or you listened to the birds sing or watched a butterfly flutter by?

Our lives should reflect Christ in us for we are called to be like Him. The Lord Jesus was never in a hurry and He gave all He had - to the point of death on the cross. 

Each day is a gift from God and we should thank Him for it.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." PSALMS 90:12

As I wait for July 8th, the day of my biopsy, I am doing a lot of thinking about Time. Like, how much time do I have and am I spending my time wisely? Of course, none of us has the answers to those questions. Only God knows!

I sincerely hope I am spending my time wisely and I hope that when I stand before God someday He will be pleased with how I used the time I had been given.


Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you will spend some Time visiting Charlotte and Ginger and the other participants at Spiritual Sundays ~
God bless you!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi