Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Spiritual Sundays

"WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP." ~ Ephesians 2:10
We see it as we walk along the ocean shore, where steep cliffs meet with the rise and fall of the tides. The splashing of sand-and rock-laden waves have cut away at the towering sea cliffs. Day after day, night after night, the continual lapping of the ocean water silently undercuts the stone walls. Then in one sudden blow the entire structure can shift and fall thundering into the sea. On a daily basis, the wear and tear of water on sea cliffs is imperceptible, yet we know that every wave hitting the rock is washing away some of its hard surface.

Every person subjected to the endless wear and tear of life develops faults and cracks in their life. In God's hands, however, those stresses and changes become His tools for shaping our life for His purpose. As our lives are yielded to and shaped by Him, He creates within us the ability to resonate His presence.

The varied and often difficult experiences of life, given to God, are how He transforms each individual into something beautiful. The Holy Spirit can work wonders on the rough edges of our stubborn wills and hard hearts, conforming them to His own will.

Trust Him to take all that happens to you - both good and bad- and make you stronger and wiser, using you in His great plan. (Excerpts taken from "Tea Time with God."}

Thank you for stopping by today. Please visit Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays There you will be refreshed in your spirit and meet some very nice folks. Please remember our sister Charlotte as she undergoes surgery on Monday.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Pink Saturday

Hello all my pinkie friends. It's Pink Saturday and I'm here to share a couple of pinks with you. But first let me introduce a new blogger I met this past week on Pink Saturday~
A lady by the name of Bird who lives in France, is very crafty and she showcases her crafts and talents on her blog. I stopped in this past week to visit her and was pleasantly surprised. She made these adorable pinks for a special little one. You can visit her at Bird Crafts Hope you will stop by and say "Hello.''

For my pinks today, I got this little pink heart-shaped candy dish at Michaels. Very cute and very pink! These pink foil-wrapped candies didn't last long!

My second pink offering for today is this lovely lady called Shirley. She is made by Royal Dalton and belongs to my mother. Before Christmas I was given Mum's Lavender Rose china and this figurine accompanied the Lavender Rose pattern. Isn't she lovely?
As you can see, the dainty roses which are sprinkled all over her frock are pink. She gracefully stands with a tiny foot peeking out from beneath her frock. She appears to be dancing and she looks so elegant. Thank you Mum!

Well friends those are my pinks for today. Please stop over and visit our hostess Beverly at and visit with her and all the other pink participants. Have a wonderful weekend everybody.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi