'Morning everyone~ We are still laden with ice all over the Island. I took some pictures but my camera doesn't do the ice fantasy justice. This is my little Weeping Caragana in the little garden at the top of our driveway. It is almost covered over with snow and the ice is hanging mercilessly all over it. It is hard to believe that in two months time, it will be bare with tiny buds of spring on it. I can't wait! My neighbor's trees across the street are still bent over with the weight of the ice, though they are not quite touching the ground any more.

We Islanders are so looking forward to Spring and the end of the white stuff!
Now, on to the next item in the give-away.....this little pin cushion. I spray-painted the little basket white, {it was two shades of brown originally}, took some left over fabric from my shower curtain and made the pin cushion. I edged the cushion with lace and, voila! 

Please check back to my post on Tuesday, March the 3rd, for details to enter the Give-Away. I have three more items which I will share with you in an upcoming post so stayed tuned.
Have a lovely day everyone.
"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16