Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Spiritual Sundays - A Child's View of Thunderstorms

Please remember to click on the Spiritual Sundays picture on my sidebar for more wonderful posts.
A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that day was questionable, and clouds were forming, she made her daily trek to the elementary school.
As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with the lightning.
The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her little daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school and she feared the electrical storm might harm her child.
Full of concern, the mother quickly got into her car and drove along the route to the child's school.
As she did, she saw her little girl walking along. At each flash of lightning the child would stop, look up, and smile. Another and another flash of lightning followed quickly and with each flash, the little girl would look at the streak of light and smile.
When the mother's car drove up beside the child, she lowered the window, and called to her, "What are you doing?" The little girl answered and said, "I am trying to look pretty because God keeps taking my picture."
May God bless you today and everyday as you face the storms that come your way.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Spiritual Sundays- A Christmas Miracle

Good afternoon everyone. Happy Spiritual Sunday to you all. Today I thought I would share a story with you. Also remember you can click on the Spiritual Sundays picture on my sidebar and it will take you to other Spiritual Sundays posts.
Last night while standing in line at the checkout, a couple ahead of us was having trouble paying for their purchases. They finally got squared away but it brought to my mind a Christmas many years ago when we were going through a similar experience. What I'm about to share with you is a true story. I pray it will be a blessing to you as much as it has been for me to share it.
A Christmas Miracle
The year was 1985, and what had started out as a promising year, by May, had turned disastrous!
My hubby had lost his job and with the loss of his job, he had also lost the car which had been supplied by the company he had worked for. He and the number one salesman in the Atlantic region had both been fired because of their honesty. Now one would think that in the workplace, integrity would mean everything; not so in that workplace! Needless to say, we were devastated by this turn of events.
To top it all off, the beautiful family home we had been renting had just been sold, and we were forced to move out to the country where rents were cheaper.
A Christian brother had loaned us a car to drive and by mid August, my hubby had started a small business. He supplemented his income by working a few hours a week at another job.
I was a "stay-at-home" mom, so finances were tight. For several months our diet had consisted of potatoes, peanut butter sandwiches, and whatever I could bake from scratch. We had no money to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, only potatoes. I learned to serve potatoes in many different ways which wasn't a bad thing; still the meals were pretty boring at times.
With the holidays fast approaching, we were concerned about what kind of Christmas we would be able to give our three little boys.
As the weeks flew by, and the Christmas season drew near, the bills were piling up and we didn't have the money for a big turkey dinner let alone gifts for our children. Peanut butter sandwiches would not be a welcome treat for Christmas dinner, so I brought my petition before the Lord. He knew our circumstances better than anyone and I trusted Him to take care of it.
I didn't know it at the time but He was working on a miracle for us.
Christmas was always a very big deal at our house and throughout December, excitement ran high. Our home always got trimmed earlier than most and the smell of Christmas baking permeated our home for weeks prior to the big day.
As December approached, we saw the Lord working on our behalf.
One night before the big day, our church delivered a big box of groceries to us. What a delight to look inside that box and find a turkey and all the trimmings to make a nice Christmas dinner. That same week, another box was delivered to our home. That box was filled with chocolates, all sorts of candy, and Christmas baking. There were even some small gifts for the boys.
About that same time, we began receiving monetary gifts too. One generous couple gave us five hundred dollars! Most of those gifts came from anonymous sources and remain a mystery to this day.
Imagine the delight of three wide-eyed little boys when on Christmas morning they arose to find their stockings bulging with all kinds of goodies. Our boys had asked for an Atari that year, and they were overjoyed to find one under the tree. We had such an abundance of food that we were able to have friends over for Christmas dinner. There were no peanut butter sandwiches served that day!
I have learned that when we ask the Lord for something, especially if it is good for us, that He is faithful to give it to us. Oftentimes, His gifts are more than we asked for and sometimes they are beyond belief!
The scripture verse from Luke 6:38 remains for me a promise I shall always stand on, "...and it will be given to you, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap..."
This is a promise of blessing.
The Lord had provided all we needed for a splendid Christmas; a bountiful feast that we were able to share with friends, presents for our little ones, and money to pay some outstanding bills. The gifts had indeed been, "...given, running over, and poured into our lap." Most importantly He showed us that He cares about all the little everyday things that affect our lives.
If you were to ask my boys what their favourite Christmas memory was, they would tell you it was the Christmas of 1985 when God provided a Christmas miracle!
Scripture tells that there are times when trials will come our way and I know He allows these trials to show us just how big and awesome He truly is. He is more than our Heavenly Father; He is our Provider.
He takes great pleasure in blessing us. We are after all, His children.
"Merry CHRISTmas"
& the Lord bless each and every one!
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Christmas Blessings to All My Friends!
Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the festivities and you can take time out of your busy schedule to put your feet up and drink in the beauty of the season. Listen to the Christmas carols or watch a Christmas special, and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or hot apple cider while you're at it! Snuggle up to your sweetie and enjoy the laughter of your children.
Take time to be thankful for the blessings in your life~
Today I would like to share with you my Nativity. At our last church where my hubby was the pastor, a kind gentleman built this stable for me. The Holy Family and other figurines are from an Avon collection, and every year I set the nativity up in my cabinet where everyone can enjoy it. I had the china cabinet specially built to display my Nativity as well as my Rose Chintz dishes. It is one of my favourite things to display at Christmastime!
My son Jordan is flying home from university on Tuesday and I have baking to do and other preparations before he gets here. So, this will be my last post for a few days except for my post on Spiritual Sundays which I will post tomorrow.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Today I would like to share a few more of my Christmas decorations. Some are in the kitchen, the family room, and the guest room.
This little girl was a birthday present from my son Joel and his wife Carina which they sent me a couple of years ago. There was a little card attached that said, "This is Carina with her hands outstretched to God praising Him for her wonderful mother-in-law." You gotta love those kids!
This is a little stable that my father built me many years ago. The nativity was a gift from my sister.
Tomorrow I will share some pictures of my big Nativity. I had my china cabinet built especially to display it along with my dishes. I'm getting ready for the arrival of my son Jordan on Tuesday and I have much to do before he arrives. Over the weekend I hope to share a Christmas story I had written
a few years ago. In the meantime, have a lovely day everyone and God bless you.

Thursday, 18 December 2008
Candy Canes

Hello everyone. We've probably all heard the story of the candy cane so I'm not going to regale you with that story today. However, the other evening Hubby and I went to a Living Nativity Tour and they were giving out candy canes with this little poem attached. I thought I would share it with you.
Jesus Gentle Shepherd,
this cane of red and white
proclaims the sweet love story
born on Christmas night.
This candy cane when turned around
begins Your name of Love
and now becomes a symbol
of peace proclaimed above.
The lively peppermint flavour
is the regal gift of spice.
The white is for Your purity
and the red Your sacrifice.
And so this cane reminds us
of just how much You care
and like Your Christmas gift to us
Have a blessed day everyone! ~ Sandi
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
More Christmas Decorating
I am always looking for ways to make my home cozy especially this time of year, so I crafted this winter cone which I have hanging on the bathroom door. I used left over wallpaper; filled it with evergreens, a little bird, pine cone, lace doiley, and beads.

This little cherub is one of three I made many years ago. They represent each one of my boys, although there are those who would beg to differ about them being angels! *smile*

A rose topiary, candy dish, and another cherub I made.
A rose topiary, candy dish, and another cherub I made.
The grand finale- These little chickadees are in abundance, and grace my yard all year round. They are so cute and I love to watch them. We keep several feeders on the property including one right outside the front window. I miss my gold finches in the wintertime but I still get to enjoy these adorable little birds. My friend Julie took these pictures this morning before we hit the town shopping. I so enjoy God's little creatures! These are the best decorations of all!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
A Christmas Spirit Award

Today I am honoured once again with a lovely award given to me by my friend Charlotte at Charlotte's Weblog. http://char72.wordpress.com/
This award is given to those who LOVE the Christmas season and really get into the Christmas spirit of things. Charlotte and I have much in common; including we both love the Lord and we both love Christmas. Thank you my dear friend for passing this award on to me. I really appreciate it! Christmas hugs to you!
To accept this award I must mention the person who sent me the award, along with their blog link, which I have done, and then list at least five things I love about Christmas {that's easy}.
I must also pass the award on to as many people as I want who also love Christmas.
1.The Reason for the Season~ Jesus
2.Christmas trees & decorations
3.Christmas cards
4.Christmas decorating
5.Christmas music
6.Christmas concerts/programs at church
7.Meeting my loved ones at the airport when they arrive home for Christmas
8.Sharing special times with loved ones
9.Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts
10.Special food served this time of year; mmmm- fudge, fruit cake, chocolate bark, pate' {Yes, I do indeed have a sweet tooth}
I would like to pass this award on to:
Becca at ~ Of Bluebirds Roses and Christmas- http://ofbluebirdsandroseschristmas.blogspot.com/
Carolyn- at Aiken House and Gardens- http://warrengrovegarden.blogspot.com/
Have a wonderful day Ladies!
Monday, 15 December 2008
A Dear Little Deer!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Spiritual Sundays- An Invitation

The other day I received this cute email from a friend and decided to share it with you today. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
God bless you!
God bless you!
You are cordially invited to
DATE: Everyday. Traditionally December 25
...but He's always around so the date is flexible....
TIME: Whenever you're ready
{Please don't be late though or you'll miss out on all the fun!}
PLACE: In your heart... He'll meet you there.
{You'll hear Him knock}
ATTIRE: Come as you are...grubbies are ok.
He'll be washing your clothes anyway. He said something about new white robes and crowns for everyone who stays till the last.
TICKETS: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone.
{He says you wouldn't be able to pay anyway....it cost Him everything He had. But you do need to accept the ticket.}
REFRESHMENTS: New wine, bread, and a far-out drink He calls "Living Water" and a supper that promises to be out of this world!
GIFT SUGGESTIONS: Your life. He's one of those people that already has everything.
{He's very generous though; just wait to see what He has for you.}
ENTERTAINMENT: Joy, Peace, Truth, Light, Life, Love, True Happiness,
Communion with God, Forgiveness, Healing, Miracles, Power, Eternity in Paradise, Contentment, and much more.
{All "G" rated so bring your family & friends}
RVSP: Very Important ~
He must know ahead so He can reserve a spot for you at the table.
Also, He's keeping a list of His friends for future reference.
He calls it The Lamb's Book of Life.
Party being given by His Kids {that's us!}
Hope to see you there!!
Friday, 12 December 2008
Christmas Church Birdhouse
Hello everyone!
Don't you just love birdhouses? I have quite a few birdhouses, including churches and I thought I would take one and use it in a centerpiece. I was tempted to hang a little wreath over the door but that would have spoiled the beautiful detail. This one is particularly cute because of the detail on it and the glass knob. Hope you enjoy!
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