The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people don't just happen. ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Hello ladies! When I was hosting Tea Time Tuesday, I always shared a pink themed post or several during the month of October to show my support of Breast Cancer Awareness. So in keeping with my tradition, I am sharing some pink today.
We have all been touched by this dreaded disease in one way or another. Some of us have beat it while others were taken away from us.
Maybe you have a family member, a friend, or even you yourself have encountered this terrible disease. I lost my best friend to breast cancer and I have had a few scares myself. Thankfully mine turned out be benign. But for thousands of women who have been struck by it, our hearts go out to them.
We offer up our prayers and we continue on praying, hoping, dreaming, and doing what we can to eradicate this disease. It takes the lives of countless loved ones every year. Beloved grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, friends, and even some of the men in our lives. Breast cancer shows no mercy. Please, Lord, help us to find a cure soon!
The colour pink represents the sweetness and innocence of the child in all of us.
From the time our mothers dress us in that first pink frothy dress, to enjoying pink cotton candy at the fair grounds, or having a favourite pink blouse or sweater, we love the colour pink and it makes us feel good as well as feminine.
Now I realize there are ladies out there who do not like the colour pink for their own reasons, or perhaps it doesn't suit their skin tone. But the good news is, there is a shade of pink out there made just for you.
Pink is known to soothe and bring a peaceful feeling into a room.
We are seeing a lot of pink in decor in recent years and it is safe to say that pink is having its moment. I went into Michaels the other day to get some Christmas ribbon and I was thrilled to see pink on the shelf again. Yes indeed, pink is making a come back in a big way.
Before I get started with sharing some of my pinks, I must share a bouquet of my favourite roses. They are just the slightest blush of pink.
Now, I am going to share a few of my pink teacups.
The first one has to be October's Flower of the Month; Cosmos.
Then there is this stack of luscious pink teacups. Who could resist them? From top to bottom, we have Lady Carlyle, Serena, and Aynsley.
It's October, and there has to be a pumpkin or two, so this little sparkly Baby Boo is nestled inside the Aynsley teacup.
I also have this pretty pink sparkly one which I painted and sprinkled with glitter, ribbon, and posies.
Can't forget about Royal Albert Lavender Rose. This set of Lavender Rose I started for my mother many years ago when I was working at a jewelry store. The set now belongs to me and I have almost eight place settings as well as the tea set. I also have a Royal Dalton figurine named Shirley in this pattern which was a gift to my mother.
If pink is your favourite colour, you are loving, kind, generous, and sensitive to the needs of others. You are the nurturers of the world. With a personality colour pink, you have a maternal instinct, with a need to protect and take care of others.
This Aynsley teacup in the crocus shape is another favourite. I love the pink roses sprinkled all over it and the saucer, as well as a few peeking from inside the cup.
Every second brings a fresh beginning,
Every hour holds a new promise,
Every night our dreams can bring hope and
Every day is what you choose to make it. ~ author unknown
Of course I have to share some of my Rose Chintz teacups.
I do have several other teacup sets in pink but I cannot share them all.
Let's finish out this post with a cuppa and a pink coconut marshmallow or two.

Pink is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring.
Pink can be powerful or demure. In any case, it is a colour that is loved the world over and I think it is the perfect colour choice for October's Breast Cancer Awareness!
Thank you dear friends for visiting today. I pray you are all healthy and happy. Please take care of yourselves and be sure to get that mammogram. I just had mine this week.
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer. ~ An Irish prayer
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi