My favourite season is Spring however there is beauty to be found in every season. Winter in Canada can be very cold with ice and snow everywhere. I personally can do without the cold weather but if you live in Canada like I do, ice and snow are inevitable in the wintertime. There is beauty to be found in the winter too however. I really enjoy looking at winter scenes for instance and I love big fluffy snowflakes that just float gently down to the earth!
Also, what would Christmas be without snow on the ground?
Snowflakes are beautiful miniature ice sculptures that God creates in the heavens when the weather gets cold.
Little children just love getting outside to build snowmen and snowforts. They enjoy having snowball fights and skating on a pond of ice.
Sometimes I think there is nothing prettier {in the wintertime} than looking outside to find the ground covered with a blanket of snow that glistens and sparkles like billions of diamonds had been thrown onto it. It's almost as though our extravagant God threw His diamonds of nature just for our enjoyment! He makes all things beautiful!
When my boys were growing up we had tons of snow in the wintertime and they had the most fun playing in it. Then they would come indoors, all rosy-cheeked and drink hot chocolate.
Did you know that there are no two snowflakes alike? We are like that. We are each wonderfully made and unique in our own way. The Bible says in Psalms 139:14 "I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
As I was thinking about what to share with you this weekend, I came across this lovely poem written by Holley Gerth, a writer at DaySpring and thought I would share it with you.
The Meaning of the Snowflake
Every new snowflake comes to the earth as a picture of our Saviour's birth,
Because they are sent from up above and remind us of God's care and love.
Each one is so intricate and small because Christ sees the details of us all,
And just as two are never the same the Lord knows and calls us each by name.
Snowflakes gently cover the world in white and hide what's unlovely in our sight,
Showing us how He covers our sin and His grace when we come to Him.
So may every snowflake bring Christ to mind and in every bit of white may you find
A reason to celebrate anew and a reminder of His love for you.