Today is Wednesday and I'm joining Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for her REDnesday party. I have been taking a bit of a break from flaunting my red but I'm back today to share with you a very cute Valentine surprise my sweet hubby gifted me with over the weekend.
I have been collecting tea-for-one sets because I find many folks have been wanting their own flavour of tea. This adorable little set is adorned with beautiful red cardinals and I just love it! Thank you Hubby!

We don't get Cardinals here on the Island but they sure are beautiful red birds! Those of you who do have them are very fortunate. Isn't this guy a handsome fellow?
I am also going to share my red heart-shaped candy dish filled with Hershey's kisses. I apologize to those of you who have already seen it. But since it is red, it makes the REDnesday post today too.

Thank you for stopping by today. Please take a few moments to visit Sue and her party of reds. Just click the link http://suelovescherries.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi