It has been a busier than normal summer for us this year.
We had company in August and I've been going to physio therapy almost every second day since May. I finished up last Thursday and I'm praying I won't need to go back.
I am also burdened with some family issues which I pray the Lord will see us through. There are so many of us with health problems and other issues that I try to keep my blog as upbeat as possible. I am however going through a bit of a hard time right now myself and I could sure use a touch from the Master's hand!
Life is filled with storms of one kind or another, isn't it? It is wise to prepare for the storms because they will come!
As I was pondering what to share today, my mind kept focusing on another storm which is headed our way. Hurricane Earl could be bad and we are trying to get ourselves prepared for its arrival. We love this little Island on which we live but a hurricane can sure wreak havov here!
Since I couldn't seem to come up with any material of my own I started leafing through "My Daily Bread" and I came across this devotional which I thought was worth sharing. It is penned by Anne Cetas.
I was feeling down about some circumstances the other day and wondering how I might lift my spirits. I pulled from my shelf the book, Life Is Like Licking Honey Off a Thorn by Susan Lenzkes, and I read this: "We take the laughter and the tears however they come, and let our God of reality make sense of it."
Lenzkes says some people are optimists who "camp in pleasures and good memories" denying the brokenness. Others are pessimists who "focus on life's losses, losing joy and victory in the process." But people of faith are realists who "receive" it all - all the good and bad of life - and repeatedly choose to know that God really loves us and is constantly at work for our good and His glory.
As I read, I looked outside and noticed dark clouds and a steady rain. A little later, a friendly wind came up and blew the clouds away. Suddenly the skies were bright blue. The storms of life blow in and out like that.
By faith we cling to God's promise of Romans 8:28. And we recall that "our light affliction, which is for the moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" {2 Cor. 4:17}. God loves us, and He's getting us ready for the day when skies will be forever blue.
"Our light affliction....is but for a moment." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:17
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you will visit Spiritual Sundays hosted by Charlotte and Ginger. http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/
There you will be encouraged and inspired by the things of our Lord. Have a blessed weekend my friends!
NOTE: Hurricane Earl has arrived and we were without power for about four hours. I will wait until the storm passes before visiting you as we could loose our power again any time! Please pray that we don't receive any damage to our property. Thank you and God bless you!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi