Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 4 October 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello my lovely tea friends~ Welcome to my 37th Tea Time Tuesday!

Autumn has arrived and with it come the shorter days and cooler temperatures. Pumpkins and Fall displays are decorating many doorsteps and our gardens are putting on a show of reds and golds as the foliage turns colour. Soft candlelight glows within our homes and we snuggle close to the fireplace with our cups of tea in the evenings. Many of us are making plans for Christmas, including me.

Today I'm once again sharing my mother's Lavender Rose china. Made in England by Royal Albert, it is a lovely and feminine pattern. Because of my love for pink roses, the pattern really appeals to me; which is why I started the pattern for Mum in the first place who also loves the colour pink.The roses have a touch of lavender in them as well as some of the leaves and sprigs which adorn the white china background on each piece. The view of the top of the tea pot shows how lovely it is. From the gold fluting around the top of the pot itself to the leafy design on the handle, it makes for a very pretty receptacle for your tea! This tea pot holds about four cups of tea.

I love the little rosey Royal Albert marking on the bottom of each piece too!
"Tea tempers the spirit and harmonizes the mind; dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens thought and prevents drowsiness." ~ Lu Yu

Yes, I'm still playing around with my baby pumpkins. This little pink pumpkin sits upon a white tray and snuggles up to the teacups. I'm not an orange person so all my pumpkins are pink and white. Glitter has been sprinkled upon pretty much every one of them! I'm big into glitter too.

My mother sold the family home a few years ago and had moved in with my sister. They are now moving into an apartment and therefore Mum has entrusted her china to me because she no longer has any use for it. I am happy to have it and will cherish it always.

There are many pieces, including several place settings, sugar and creamer, salt and peppers, cake plate, platters, etc. There is also a Royal Dalton figurine in the Lavender Rose pattern. Her name is SHIRLEY and she stands elegantly in her Lavender Rose frock. Her pose suggests that she is twirling as her slender arm is raised and one tiny foot is peeking from underneath her gown.

Delicate roses are sprinkled about the tea pot, teacups, and other china pieces. To sip tea from one of these fine bone china teacups is a lovely respite.
"Tea is liquid wisdom." ~ AnonymousI have a lovely Apple-Cranberry tarte with fresh whipped cream ready to serve with our tea today. It is almost like a jam filling in a shortbread crust; a very European dessert.

A Time of Reflection~

"One of the ways in which we may experience true happiness is to "sip" from the supply of talents and abilities God gives us and use them to benefit others. "Sipping" doesn't require spending great amounts of time. Neither does it require extraordinary or professional helping skills.

Helen Keller, blind and deaf from the age of 19 months, had a remarkable sight when it came to viewing life's priorities. She said, "Many persons have a wrong idea about what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."

How miraculous it is that God has built an automatic measure of happiness into every act of self-sacrifice. Take a sip of happiness by serving others! - Excerpt from "Tea Time with God."

"My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts." ~ Isaiah 65:14

Thank you dear friends for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday today. I want to thank you all for your visits, your lovely comments, and those of you who participate, your participation. When I began my tea party meme in January, my goal was to not only share my passion for tea cups and tea pots but to also share some inspirational tidbits which would be of some encouragement to you. I hope I am accomplishing this each week!


If you have never participated in TTT before and you would like to, just let me know in your comment and I will gladly add your link to my post. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, chocolate, iced tea, or lemonade if you so desire. A scripture verse, poem, or tea quote would also be more than welcome. Either of the two TTT buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your tea post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with my other participants.


The participants listed below are in the order in which they first started participating. Here's an idea; how about you visiting the link before yours and after yours. That way everyone will get a visit. Thanks and have a fabulous day everyone. God bless you!


I am also linking up with the other tea party hostesses and you will find them below with the asterisks before their names.

Tea Cup Tuesday

Tea pot and Tea Things Tuesday


Tuesday Tea for Two

Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Cup Thursday

* Donna and Miss Spencer~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi