Hello everyone and welcome to Spiritual Sundays hosted by our lovely Charlotte and Ginger.
Isn't this cute? I took this picture from inside the house. I love gold finches and I sure enjoy watching them at the birdfeeder just outside the front window. They arrive about mid-April and leave around mid-September.
Isn't this cute? I took this picture from inside the house. I love gold finches and I sure enjoy watching them at the birdfeeder just outside the front window. They arrive about mid-April and leave around mid-September.
They are such pretty little birds and they are wonderful little entertainers! They are very nervous however and they take their time looking around to make sure all is well before helping themselves to the feast in the birdfeeder. There is always a chance that the neighbor's cat could be hiding under the bushes to grab a snack.
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." ~ 1 Peter 5:8
We can learn much from our little feathered friends! They have a built in God-given instinct which tells them when to come to the eastern coast of Canada and when it is time to leave for the South once more. They know instinctively where they can find nourishment and they nest pretty much in the same place back in our trees every year.
Like our little feathered friends, we too have a built in instinct or spirit from God which He speaks to and uses to guide us throughout our day. He knows what is best for us and He knows how to take care of us. Trusting God should come as natural to His children as the little birdies' instinct does. They don't think about where or when, they just know.
"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. " ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12-13
Jesus said that we are much more important to our heavenly Father than even the birds of the air; for we are made in His image.
"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" ~ Matthew 6:26
Do you have faith or trust issues? We would do well to become more like our little feathered friends and depend on our Creator who knows what is best for us!
September 11, 2001 is a day that we will never forget! To all who lost loved ones...the fire fighters, the police officers, the office workers, the government workers, the flight crews, the passengers, the mothers, the fathers, the sons and daughters, the brothers and sisters, the friends, the loved ones, the innocent bystanders, the innocent, our innocence....You are not forgotten....We Remember!
Thank you for stopping by today. Please join everyone at Spiritual Sundays to be refreshed and encouraged ~ http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ The Lord bless you!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi