Good morning everyone. I have hesitated for quite some time, to participate in Blue Monday because I don't have a lot of blue in my home. However, I do have a couple of blue rooms so I decided to take a look around. The more I looked, the more I found. So, here are a few of my blues for you today.
Hubby and I are into books in a big way! We have books all over the house. Almost in every room of the house, you will find books. Bibles, study books, dictionaries, novels, biographies, decorating books, ect, ect. However I have decided to limit pictures of books to this Devotional Bible for Couples and the stack of books that Hubby uses to study by. They are photographed on our navy 'blue' sofa in our den.

Yes, someone likes ice cream! 
Some of you are going to wonder about me, but I have yet to put away my Christmas Village! It is still spread out along the ledge in our Family room, mainly because we like the soft glow of the mini lights. I plan to put it away this week. Honest!! One of the houses is 'blue,' so I decided to take a picture of it to show you. It has snow on the roof which I applied myself and you can see the sparkle from the light off the camera!
Lastly, there is our provincial bird, the Blue Jay! {Sally, you'll like him!} I have this picture on my sidebar for interest's sake.
Well, there you have it! I'll see what I can come up with for next week. I probably have more 'blue' than I realize. Thank you Sally for hosting this fun event. Now go visit Sally and more 'Blue' folks by clicking on the link http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ or the Blue Monday button on my sidebar. Have a nice day everyone!