Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 13 July 2009

Blue Monday

Happy Blue Monday! Would you believe this is my 201st post? Hard to believe!!
Today's offering will be short and sweet. I'm on the run so hopefully you will enjoy what I have for you today.

First up, is a beautiful blue hydrangea. I love hydrangeas of all colours but there's something very special about the blue ones!

Then there is this little cherub, asleep in the crib! I don't think there is anything more innocent than the sight of a sleeping baby! This is my grandson Zachary and he is 10 and a half months. Lots of blue here.
This is him again before taking a nap. He reminds me of his father, all smiles and not wanting to nap. I miss those days! {I think}Blue on his t-shirt, blue on his little blankie, and a blue critter; I believe it's Eeyore he is holding. I miss Zachary! This little darling lives way out on the other side of the country! Visits with this grandmother are very far apart! Boo-hoo!!
Thank you Sally for hosting another Blue Monday. You can visit Sally and all her participants by clicking on the link or the Blue Monday button on my sidebar.
UPDATE ON MY MOTHER: She got through her surgery and is recuperating nicely. Thank you so much, all you prayer warriors out there. Your prayers have made a big difference!
Have a nice day everyone and may God bless you!