Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 4 August 2014

Welcome Back to Tea Time Tuesday!

I believe I could be a model child if I was invited out to tea every day. ~ Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables - L M Montgomery

Hello my lovely friends and welcome back to Tea Time! I hope you are all enjoying your Summer. 

Excitement hung around Anne like a garment, shone in her eyes, kindled in every feature. She had come dancing up the lane, like a wind-blown sprite, through the mellow sunshine and lazy shadows of the August evening. ~ Anne of Green Gables - L M Montgomery

Excitement has been hanging about my home like a garment for the past three weeks. I have had my whole family home and I took a much needed blogging break during that time.

Family fun and making memories is what the last three weeks were all about. It was my little three year old granddaughter's first visit to the Island and we had such a good time. I will share some pictures at a later date but this is a peek of her with her BFF. My little lambie is the one on the left. 

Her best friend is the daughter of my son's best friend. Unfortunately, the friends live on opposite sides of the country. For now. My son is hoping to move his family back here to PEI in a few years. After this last visit he is most anxious to get here!

I had planned to have a wee tea party with my granddaughter but alas, it simply didn't work out. We were much too busy and didn't have too many quiet times. I will have to wait for their next visit.

While my boys were home they worked on my computer which made an incredible difference. Hopefully it will last me a little longer now without all the hiccups.

Time for tea.....

The Queen Anne's Lace is plentiful this time of year and growing everywhere. I love its graceful poufs of white.

My roses are looking sweet in a Skye McGhie vase called Nostalgia which I found at a garden centre. This time of year I love bringing the posies indoors and after they have finished, I dry their petals in a pretty dish. The scent from the rose petals waft a lovely fragrance throughout the room. 

I am excited to share my new teacup with you today! Royal Albert Blossom Time is one of the teacups I have had on my Acquisition List for some time. 

Just think what a lovely place to live- in an apple blossom! Fancy going to sleep in it when the wind was rocking it. If I wasn't a human girl I think I'd like to be a bee and live among the flowers.~ Anne of Green Gables- LM Montgomery 

This beautiful teacup was gifted to me by my wonderful aunt and uncle when they came to the Island to visit a few weeks ago. They had stopped in at Replacements Ltd. in North Carolina on their way down to Florida and they got this teacup for me. It will always be special, having come from them. Aren't they a beautiful couple? 

My uncle, who is my mother's youngest sibling, was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months ago and he is fighting the illness with everything he's got!

This is the same couple whose love story I shared a while ago. They are avid world travellers who enjoy taking hiking trips as well as sight seeing but their trips have been put on hold for several months now because of his condition. I would very much appreciate your prayers for him and his lovely wife. They are one of the nicest couples you will ever meet.

Thanks to my aunt and uncle, I now have a trio in this pretty pattern. The plate I had found for six dollars while thrifting in a second hand store in New Brunswick last summer.

I know several of you already have Blossom Time but do you know where the actual pattern came from? 

I have shared its story once before but here it is again in case you missed it. Personally, I find the history of teacup/china patterns fascinating. 

"On a spring morning in 1933, G. R. Palmeter left a meeting of the Apple Blossom Committee at the Cornwallis Inn to purchase china from a representative of the Royal Albert China of England. While there, he asked the salesman about creating a pattern called "Blossom Time," to tie in with the Apple Blossom Festival. A design was submitted and the factory got to work on it.

The design is an actual picture of the Ralph Eaton farm, in the Annapolis Valley. {Nova Scotia, Canada} The apple trees were at the height of bloom, and this worked out ideally, from the factory standpoint.

The result was "BLOSSOM TIME CHINA" which is still in great demand all over the world, even as far as Japan – this over a period of sixty years. ~  Info borrowed from the Internet

I am enjoying tea in my new teacup and having a wee nosh too. Chasing after little ones works up an appetite! Pound cake spread with strawberry jam, banana bread with cream cheese, and part of a billet log make a sweet treat with tea.

Won't you join me?

I am so happy to have you join me for tea today and if you have something tea or coffee related, I invite you to link up with me. You are welcome to also share lemonade, iced tea or coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, or punch in a pretty bowl if you wish. I look forward to visiting you.

Have a beautiful day everyone! 

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea in the Garden
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi