Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 6 July 2009

Blue Monday

'Morning friends~ Here it is Blue Monday again and I just cannot believe how fast the weeks are flying by! In any case, here we are gathered once again to participate in Sally's fun meme.

Sally is all settled in her new apartment awaiting the completion of their new home and she is to be commended for keeping up with her posts and visitations to our blogs. Thank you Sally, you're very much appreciated for all you do!

Today I have a few blues to share with you all.
The first is a book I won in a giveaway about three weeks ago. Becky K at "Hospitality Lane" drew my name and I received my book "Sisterchicks in Sombreros" last week. It is a fun read, written by a Canadian author, and I'm enjoying it very much. Thank you Becky! I love curling up with a good book and as you can see, there is some blue on it!
Next on my list is something I'd rather not have to use much more in the coming weeks! The umbrella!
Lots of blue here! Actually, it makes me a little blue to have to use it these days! Since the beginning of summer, we've only gotten to the beach twice. Either it is too cold or it is raining, and we Islanders are all rather annoyed about it. You see, our summers are so short here that we feel jipped when the weather doesn't cooperate!

Last, but certainly not least, is a photo of an airliner in a bright blue sky, making its way across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe! My youngest son Jordan is flying from Toronto, Ontario to Newark, to Portugal today, to attend a nine day Math Conference there. He is concerned about making all of his connections on time. He has a very small window of time to catch his flight to Portugal once he lands in Newark. So please, all you moms out there, pray that his connections and flights will all go smoothly! He has never flown overseas before and even though he is looking forward to the Conference, he does have concerns about the traveling itself.
Now that I've pleaded for my son's safe arrival in Portugal, please go visit Sally and all the other blue participants at or click on the Blue Monday button on my sidebar. Thanks for stopping by and God bless you. Have a great day everyone!