Welcome, dear friends, to my 27th Tea Time Tuesday!
It is July 27th and today would have been my father's birthday. He passed away fifteen years ago and I still miss him very much! With your indulgence, I would like to pay tribute to him in this week's post. You see, Daddy loved his tea!
Daddy was a handsome man who possessed old-fashioned values. He was known for his quick wit and great story-telling but he was also known as a man of integrity.
He made his living as an accountant but he enjoyed many hobbies, one being a wood craftsman. He and my mother created many wonderful things together while I was growing up. I remember one time he had built a bridge out of match sticks and a store owner in the City asked to display it in his shop window. He built our first home when I was three and he was always building or designing something.
He was quite a character and made many friends throughout his lifetime. He had great compassion for the poor and he was always lending a helping hand.
Among his many attributes, he was a church deacon and sang in the church choir. He worked with the Red Cross and he was a Boy Scout leader. He enjoyed all manner of sports. He played hockey and baseball, he bowled, curled, and played golf, among other things. Until later years, he was always on the go and was not idle for long. He was often called upon in the community to help out when someone was in trouble.
My Daddy was a prankster and loved to keep his friends on their toes. One story I heard related at his funeral was from an RCMP officer who had been one of Daddy's best friends. He told of how one day he had gone to get a shirt out of the closet and found all the shirt sleeves had been tied together! He knew Daddy had been there!
The photo below was taken of Daddy as a young man when he worked as an accountant at Westinghouse. I'm guessing it was taken about 1948 or '49.
I miss you, Daddy. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Always remembered and always loved!
July 27, 1927 - May 27, 1995
My father had always loved the Old Country Roses pattern but because I had started my mother on the Lavender Rose pattern he did not want to infringe on my starting her collection. So, he gifted her with these two pieces of Old Country Roses which are now in my possession.
A china basket
And a china boot.
Time for tea~ My hubby and I are on vacation and the other day we went out to breakfast at one of our tea rooms here on the Island. The Prince Edward Island Preserve Company is a lovely place set in a pastoral setting on twelve acres carved from the hills and shoreline along the River Clyde. Country gardens surround this wonderful tea room and preserve factory.
One can sit and enjoy a nice cup of tea or a meal and later browse the premises where they have a wonderful selection of china, gift baskets, and souveniers. They make preservative-free jams, jellies, and salsa right on the premisies. They also sell their unique blend of teas and other wonderful things that make my heart go pitter-patter!
For breakfast that morning, I had ordered a pot of Victoria Garden tea and delectable French Toast. The tea arrived in this wonderful blue china teapot complete with its own matching cup and a tea strainer. The tea was a wonderful blend of Ceylon black tea, Chinese gunpowder tea, lavender, vanilla, and rose petals.
For breakfast that morning, I had ordered a pot of Victoria Garden tea and delectable French Toast. The tea arrived in this wonderful blue china teapot complete with its own matching cup and a tea strainer. The tea was a wonderful blend of Ceylon black tea, Chinese gunpowder tea, lavender, vanilla, and rose petals.
It was a delicious tea.
This is the view from our table; beautiful country vistas!
It was thirty-five dollars and no, I did not purchase this either.
They had a whole shelf filled with this lovely pansy patterned china. Like I said, it was such fun looking at everything! I could have taken a dozen pictures but the tourists really made that difficult.
"There is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well, ladies, that is my tea for this week. I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and I thank you for stopping by. If you would like to participate in my Tea Time Tuesday party please let me know in your comment. Just share a teacup, teapot, or some china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, iced tea, or chocolate. A scripture verse, poem, or tea quote would be welcome too. Either of the two Tea Time buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. Please be sure to link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit all my lovely participants.
Next week, on the 3rd of August and the following week, August 10th, I will have my son and his family home from Vancouver so I will be doing things a little differently those two weeks. I will be pre-posting Tea Time Tuesday those two weeks and I regret I will not be able to add your links to my post other than the hostesses of the other tea parties. I hope you will try to visit me just the same and I will try to visit as many of you as possible. On August 17th, I will be back to host my Tea party as usual.
Next week, on the 3rd of August and the following week, August 10th, I will have my son and his family home from Vancouver so I will be doing things a little differently those two weeks. I will be pre-posting Tea Time Tuesday those two weeks and I regret I will not be able to add your links to my post other than the hostesses of the other tea parties. I hope you will try to visit me just the same and I will try to visit as many of you as possible. On August 17th, I will be back to host my Tea party as usual.

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." ~ John 4:14
The links with the stars ** before their names are my fellow tea party hostesses.
All the participants listed are in the order in which they first started to participate.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
**Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
**Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
**Lady Katherine~ http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/
Concetta~ http://concettascafe.blogspot.com/
Johanna~ http://silber-rosen.blogspot.com/
"Come and share a pot of tea, My home is warm and my friendship's free." ~ Emilie Barnes
I am getting close to having 300 followers. Who would have thought that there are that many folks interested in my little blog? I'm delighted! So, I think it's a time for a celebration. When I reach the 300 mark I am going to have a Giveaway and of course it will be tea related.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi