Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 5 March 2018

March - ing Toward Springtime

March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine. ~ LM Montgomery

Welcome dear friends and welcome March! Didn't Lucy Maud have such a way with words?

A few more weeks and Spring will be here. Yay!

This past week was a sad one when one of the family pets had to be put down. I shared pictures of our family pets a couple of weeks ago, and Spike, the dear little miniature pincher hadn't been well since Christmas. I had a feeling his days were numbered. He was such a sweet little pup and he will be missed. This photo of him was taken last summer.

This is one reason why hubby and I don't have a fur baby. I couldn't bear it if something should happen to it.

My sweet hubby surprised me with some lovely soft pink tulips the other day but I waited too long to set my tea table and they're on their way out. 

Aren't they the prettiest shade of pink?

My flowers today are a beautiful bouquet that was presented to me at our elder's dinner the other night. Our elders have a dinner once a year and the wives are always given a bouquet of posies. 

I am using my pink Ganz teapot. 

A pretty cup made in France sits on a Bridal Rose saucer; a miss-matched set I found at a yard sale years ago. 

A teacup and saucer made in Germany, Bridal Rose. These are very dainty and so pretty. I haven't used them in a while so I thought I would use them today. The cup is so comfortable to hold.

A group of us are reading through the Mitford series written by Jan Karon. I'm supposed to be on the third book but I'm slow so I'm still in book two, A Light in the Window. 

The secret to a well balanced life is a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. ~ unknown

I love this quaint series set in a small community. Have any of you read them?

is a small wooden cottage
filled with snuggly nooks
a tablecloth your grandma sewed
dusty, well-loved books.Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

It's a simple tea today to just simply relax and enjoy a quiet respite. It's been a busy week with appointments and other things that kept us running around. 

With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy? ~ Oscar Wilde 

Before I go, I want to ask a question. How do you translate a comment left on your blog in another language? I have tried over and over, searched the gadgets, and I can find nothing to translate a comment into English. Does anyone else have this problem?

PS- Thank you everyone for your comments on the translation thing. I have it figured out now.

Thank you for visiting Rose Chintz Cottage and have a lovely day. I wish you JOY!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi