Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Greetings friends and a warm welcome to my 20th Tea Time Tuesday!

What do you do with a bowl full of rhubarb?

This is rhubarb season on the Island so today I thought I would serve some rhubarb goodies with our tea.
I made this pudding for our Bible study group the other night and there wasn't much left at the end of the evening! It really is a treat as our rhubarb season, just like our strawberry season, is so short.

A pudding fresh from the oven!

A favourite tea pot is being shown today. This tea pot has all the things I look for in a teapot; it is red, it is pretty, and it is transferware! Did you notice the rose bud climbing up the spout?

What could be better than a dish of this warm pudding and tea from this pretty tea pot?

This pudding is cake with a rhubarb sauce.We Islanders love our rhubarb because you can do so much with it. From this wonderful red plant, we can make all kinds of yummy treats like rhubarb jam, rhubarb sauce, rhubarb pudding, rhubarb muffins, rhubarb pie, chutney, crisp, cobbler..... well, you get the picture! I love it myself! And it is always pink when it is cooked; so pretty!

How about adding a scoop of ice cream? Mmmm, yummy!

Perhaps you would like to try a muffin. These are delicious and moist with a sugar topping; yum!
I have some rhubarb pie too.

I love June because everything is fresh and green. And the rhubarb is out!

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven - A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted." - Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 2

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." - C.S. Lewis

Thank you for stopping by for tea today. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday all you have to do is let me know in your comment. Then just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or a piece of china which you have used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would also be most welcome. Either of the two Tea Time buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that others may find their way here to visit my lovely participants. Have a wonderful day everyone!
There are other Tea Parties taking place today as well as mine. They are in the list below with the star * before their names..
Participants are in the order in which they started participating.


{Beth is having a Giveaway}
{Patty is having a Giveaway}

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi