Hello bloggy friends and welcome to my 15th Tea Time Tuesday!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! It was a bit damp here last week but the weather has been quite balmy today which we Islanders all welcome. Hubby cut the grass over the weekend which was the first cutting of the year; a little earlier than usual. Ahh, Spring is finally here!
Before I share my tea with you, I would like to let you know that Cielo at The House in the Roses is hosting a Victorian Tea Party on May 10th. You can click here http://houseinroses.blogspot.com/ to visit her and find out all the details.

Today I am sharing a tea set which I have had for several years. It is not what I would consider beautiful or elegant but rather cute and casual. It has a springtime look to it with its posies and grapes, and when I'm feeling more casual, this is a good one to use. So, I guess I'm feeling casual today!
The little devotional I am sharing with you today is an excerpt from "Our Daily Bread" which was penned by Joe Stowell.
"When it comes to jigsaw puzzles, we all know that to enjoy a satisfying outcome you need all the pieces. In many ways, life is like that. We spend our days putting it together, hoping to create a complete picture out of all the scattered parts.
Yet sometimes it seems like a piece is missing. Perhaps we've been pursuing the wrong pieces to the puzzle.
If something is missing in your life, remember that God is the only One who can fully and abundantly satisfy you. Let Him complete the picture of your life."
Thank you for joining me today for tea. It is always a pleasure to have you stop by. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday with me, please let me know in your comment.
Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or short story would also be welcome. Either of the Tea Time buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use for your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please be sure to link back to me so that others may find their way here to visit with everyone. Thank you and enjoy your day.
The participants listed are in the order in which they started to participate.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Barbara~ http://purplegoatlady.blogspot.com/
The Tablescaper~ http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi