Welcome to another Pink Saturday with our hostess Beverly and all her participants. If you like pink, then you're going to love taking a peek at all the pinkness offered up this weekend. Please check out all the offerings by clicking the link http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog or the Pink Saturday button on my sidebar.
Today, I want to show you one of my tea sets. I have several tea sets but because this one has pink on it, I thought I would share it. Don't mind the rooster, he just likes getting his picture taken!
There are little pink roses on the teacup and saucer too. Would you care for some tea?
I also have two beautiful daughters-in-law. This is one of the girls taken at her brother's wedding. Carina was a bridesmaid and the setting was perfect with a sprinkling of sweet pink flowers behind her. And yes, she is just as beautiful as she looks!

NOTE: Since I prepared this post for Pink Saturday, my mother has been taken to hospital again. She will be undergoing surgery either this morning or on Sunday. The operation is quite risky for a lady in her state and age, so if you believe in the power of prayer, would you please remember her in your prayers today? Thank you and God bless you!
Have a wonderful day and a fun-filled weekend.