Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Saturday 26 March 2016

Pretty Aqua and Pink for Easter

Everything is new in the spring. Springs themselves are always so new, too. No spring is ever just like any other spring. It always has something of its own to be its own peculiar sweetness. - LM Montgomery

Hello dear bloggy friends!
Easter is early this year so our weather hasn't quite reached that stage of balmy breezes yet but it's coming! We've had a lot of snow lately but then it is still March so one can expect this here on PEI.

Springtime is like the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. ~ Lewis Grizzard

I have set my tea table with some daffodils. Have you ever noticed their lovely fragrance? Even with a stuffed up nose, I can smell it.

My china today is a collection of some of my favourite colours, aqua and pink. Easter is such a lovely holiday and its soft colours whisper to us of more loveliness to come.

The aqua teacup and teapot are made by Gracie China.

The pink teacup is
Aynsley made in England. 

Bunnies and chicks are joining us too. The chicks around the vase of daffodils actually hop. My Auntie P and Uncle Doug sent them to me one year just for fun. The napkins are a gift from a blogger friend. Aren't they pretty with their scalloped edges?

Tea is like a hug and a handshake; something about it warms friendships and inspires confidences. ~ Victoria magazine

The bunny sitting in the teacup was also a gift from a blogger friend.

I have made some little chocolate tarts decorated with coloured eggs. My grandchildren are going to love these! The lovely Limoges plate was given to me by my Aunt Judy.

I am still fighting this terrible cold I've had for two weeks so I am taking lemon in my tea today. 

Easter is of course much more than chocolate and cute little bunnies. It is a special holiday celebrated in memory of the Lord's great sacrifice for us. 

When our children were growing up we always gave them their treats on Saturday because we thought it was important to keep Easter Sunday special. 

Besides having a wonderful Easter dinner together, some families exchange gifts this time of year. There are so many things to enjoy about Easter

So, let us enjoy this wonderful holiday but let's also remember what the Saviour did for us. He gave us the greatest gift of all; Himself, so that if we believe in Him and follow Him, we will have eternal life. Hallelujah!

Thank you for your visit and I wish you all a beautiful and meaningful Easter. God bless you, my friends!

My life, my love, I give to Thee,
Thou Lamb of God who died for me;
Oh, may I ever faithful be,
My Savior and my God! ~ Hudson

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi