Welcome Friends to my 22nd Tea Time Tuesday! And welcome Summer; we've waited a long time for you to arrive!
I host a Bible study once a week and I usually bake something special for refreshments which is where I take some of my inspiration from.
Today however, I am sharing a tea I served to a very special couple in my life; my Auntie P and Uncle Doug.
They had come over to the Island to visit with my mother and me and I had prepared a casual tea for them. My Uncle Doug hails from England so he likes to have his tea about three or four o'clock in the afternoon.
I host a Bible study once a week and I usually bake something special for refreshments which is where I take some of my inspiration from.
Today however, I am sharing a tea I served to a very special couple in my life; my Auntie P and Uncle Doug.
They had come over to the Island to visit with my mother and me and I had prepared a casual tea for them. My Uncle Doug hails from England so he likes to have his tea about three or four o'clock in the afternoon.
My sweet auntie got me started on the Rose Chintz so it was my pleasure to bring them out for the tea.
"The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose." ~ George Gissing- quote from - The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
The teacups shown are being used in place of dainty teacups because my hubby prefers his tea and coffee in a mug. These teacups are more like a mug on a saucer so Hubby would be more comfortable with those. They do look nice with the Rose Chintz however.
As you can see, I am using an assortment of dishes including a footed cake plate, a platter, and a few small bowls which will all be used to display some accompaniments.

My Rose Chintz pot is ready to serve tea to some very charming company.

Small bowls hold cheese, sweet gherkin pickles, and clotted cream. Just a bit of candlelight lends a sweet ambiance to the tea.
Thank you for coming by for tea today. If you would like to participate in my tea party please let me know in your comment. Just share a teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would be most welcome. Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so others may find their way here to visit my other lovely participants.
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are." What a Friend we have in Jesus!

As you can see, I am using an assortment of dishes including a footed cake plate, a platter, and a few small bowls which will all be used to display some accompaniments.
My Rose Chintz pot is ready to serve tea to some very charming company.
Small bowls hold cheese, sweet gherkin pickles, and clotted cream. Just a bit of candlelight lends a sweet ambiance to the tea.
Tasty warm tuna rolls are arranged on the platter.
And a lovely Lemon tart is displayed on the footed cake plate.

Summer is here and with the season, my roses are in bloom. I made a bouquet of some of my Therese Bugnet roses and bridal wreath. I just love the fragrance of these roses! Some of them bloom so full, they look almost like peonies. And they are such a decadent colour!
"Friendship happens in that special moment
when someone reaches out to another,
trusts, comforts, believes in another,
and makes a special difference
that no one else can make."
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
*** Those with the stars by their names are also hosting a Tea Party.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
**Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
**Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
The Tablescaper~ http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/
Ro Magnolia~ http://softwindsandroses.blogspot.com/
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are." What a Friend we have in Jesus!

I am also linking with Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life ~ http://astrollthrulife.blogspot.com/
for her Tabletop Tuesday Party.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi