Hello Friends~ A warm welcome awaits you here at
Rose Chintz Cottage. Please come in and allow me to pour you some tea. I just love the company!
Pink Saturday has rolled around once again and we
pinkie bloggerettes are sharing our
pink treasures today. Our wonderful hostess
Beverly makes all this possible and I want to say a big "Thank you" to her for featuring my little blog today! I hope you enjoy your visit here.
Before I move on to my pinks today I would like to mention that Mary over at Rose Brook Cottage http://rosebrookcottage.blogspot.com/ has a lovely blog that I just know you would enjoy visiting. She is a very talented lady and creates the prettiest things! These are some of her lovely creations; a perfect delicate pink! I am lovin the teapot! I hope you will also pay her a visit today.

A few years ago, my youngest son had gifted me with these gorgeous candle sticks. Love this pattern with the
pink and burgundy roses sprinkled all over it! I also have the tea bag holder but I have always wanted another piece of this china.

Then the other day my hubby and I were out for breakfast at one of our Island's lovely tea rooms where they have a wonderful selection of china teacups, mugs, and teapots. They also make their own jams, jellies, and salsa right on the premisies. I am in teacup heaven whenever I am there!
Lo and behold, they had several pieces in this same pattern! I was so excited to finally find a piece of the china pattern, and guess what? My sweet hubby gifted me with the matching tea pot! Isn't he a darling? I think I'll keep him!

The pattern is Rose Bud made of fine bone china by Maxwell and Williams. Pink and burgundy roses are sprinkled all over a white background, making for a delightful piece to pour your tea from. It is trimmed in gold. Purty?
Top view.
Another photo of my newest treasure snuggled up to my pink roses.... Gorgeous!

A teapot bouquet....I'm having such fun with my new teapot!
Perhaps I'll go back and treat myself to teacup sometime. Thank you to my sweet hubby and my son Jordan for these lovely china pieces!
And thank you for stopping by for a visit today. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my pinks. Please make your way over to Beverly's at How Sweet The Sound~ http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
to visit with her and all the other pink participants today.
Please stop by for Tea Time Tuesday for tea and I wish you all a wonderful pink weekend. The Lord bless you!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi