Hello ~ It's Blue Monday again and I want to thank Sally for hosting this fun event. You can click on the bluejay button at the right on my sidebar or click this link http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ to visit other blues today.
Today I have three 'blues' to share with you.
~ First up is this little blue hand painted birdie with a nest of three blue eggs. It is part of an Easter arrangement on my coffee table.
~ A Windmill thimble that came from Holland.
Well, those are my blues for this week. But before I go, I would like to thank you all for praying for my mother! She is still in the hospital waiting to have her surgery. They have the part all ready to put in but they are delaying the surgery until it is safe to operate. Her blood is still too thin. In the meantime, she is still in much pain from the broken hip. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. It really is helping! God bless you all! Have a Happy Blue Monday and a lovely day everyone.