Hello everyone and welcome to my 12th Tea Time Tuesday post!
Every once in a while my Tea Time will land on someone special's birthday and today is one of those days. My youngest son Jordan has a birthday today and so my post will be honouring him.
Jordan is the youngest of my three sons and he is a very nice young man! Trust me when I tell you, you would like him if you met him!
He is about seven months old in this picture with his brothers.

I still remember the day Jordan was born! It was on a sunny Monday morning and he was delivered by C-section. Two weeks later, we were moving to another province.
It was one of the most difficult periods of my life but Jordan's dear little face and those of my other two little ones' made it possible for me to endure it. God gave me the grace and the strength to get through what was a very hard transition!
Jordan was pure joy to raise and has always possessed a wonderful disposition. He was an adorable child who often wrote me little love notes. I have saved every one of them too!
When he was a little boy, he loved playing with building blocks and numbers. He could print his name by the time he was three and he knew the whole alphabet. His father and I thought he was destined to become an architect but he grew up having a passion for Math instead.

Jordan has always been a very conscientious soul. Everything he does, he does it to the best of his ability. He has been working since he was eleven years old when he took over his brother's paper route. When he went away to university, he became a supervisor on a job which helped to pay his living expenses. He has also been studying for years!
Tina~ http://beansiebabbles.blogspot.com/
He has accomplished a great deal in his 29 years!
He is still single due to the fact that Miss Right hasn't come along yet. Then again, he has also spent the past ten years, concentrating on his education and hasn't spent a lot of time looking for her. But when the time is right, she will walk into his life and he'll be smitten!

These gorgeous candle sticks were sent to me by Jordan about four years ago. He was away at university and went looking on eBay one day for a Mothers Day gift. He thought these were the same pattern as my Rose Chintz, so he bought them and had them sent to me as a surprise. They don't match the Rose Chintz perfectly but I really love them! Aren't they beautiful? They are called Summer Rose Chintz Victorian candle sticks. They are made of porcelain and the only other piece I have matches them perfectly.
The little china tea bag holder is of the same pattern. I would love to find a matching tea pot someday or even a teacup. Unlike the tea bag holder, the candle sticks are trimmed with gold and very elegant.
I love chintz of any kind.
The birdhouse, he gifted me with a couple of years ago for Christmas. He knew I loved and collected birdhouses so he looked for one that would match my dishes. He's pretty smart, wouldn't you agree? They're a pretty good match!
This pretty teacup is the only one I have which is closest to the Summer Rose Chintz pattern. It was a shower gift once upon a time. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the name of the pattern because the only stamp on it says fine bone china and made in England by Royal Albert.
It's a pretty thing, just the same! I love a teacup with a flower inside the cup, don't you?

I am the mother of three wonderful sons and I am so very proud of them all! We are a very close family and although we are spread out across the country and cannot see one another every day, my heart holds each one of them very close.
Jordan, although many miles separate us from one another, you know how much I love you and wish you could sit at the kitchen table with me and enjoy your birthday cake with a cup of organic Green Chai tea!
I thank God for you; for the blessing you have been to our family.
He is handsome, witty, and multi-talented. He plays the keyboard and all the percussion instruments and he possesses a great sense of humor. Whenever he is home, one never knows what one will find in their shoe or underneath their pillow!

He also has a very big heart and is generous and thoughtful.
He is still single due to the fact that Miss Right hasn't come along yet. Then again, he has also spent the past ten years, concentrating on his education and hasn't spent a lot of time looking for her. But when the time is right, she will walk into his life and he'll be smitten!

He loves my chocolate chip cheesecake!
Today Jordan is in his PhD program at the University of Toronto, studying to be a Math professor. He is almost finished, and where he will go from there, we don't know yet. Obviously, he will go where the job takes him! I just pray he doesn't have to go too far away from home.
For my Tea Time post I would like to share a couple of special things he has gifted me with over the years. Any tea would be lovely with these accompanying it!
Today Jordan is in his PhD program at the University of Toronto, studying to be a Math professor. He is almost finished, and where he will go from there, we don't know yet. Obviously, he will go where the job takes him! I just pray he doesn't have to go too far away from home.
For my Tea Time post I would like to share a couple of special things he has gifted me with over the years. Any tea would be lovely with these accompanying it!
These gorgeous candle sticks were sent to me by Jordan about four years ago. He was away at university and went looking on eBay one day for a Mothers Day gift. He thought these were the same pattern as my Rose Chintz, so he bought them and had them sent to me as a surprise. They don't match the Rose Chintz perfectly but I really love them! Aren't they beautiful? They are called Summer Rose Chintz Victorian candle sticks. They are made of porcelain and the only other piece I have matches them perfectly.
This pretty teacup is the only one I have which is closest to the Summer Rose Chintz pattern. It was a shower gift once upon a time. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the name of the pattern because the only stamp on it says fine bone china and made in England by Royal Albert.
I am the mother of three wonderful sons and I am so very proud of them all! We are a very close family and although we are spread out across the country and cannot see one another every day, my heart holds each one of them very close.
Jordan, although many miles separate us from one another, you know how much I love you and wish you could sit at the kitchen table with me and enjoy your birthday cake with a cup of organic Green Chai tea!
I thank God for you; for the blessing you have been to our family.

You are the poem I dreamed of writing,
The masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled.
You are my child.
Now with all things, I am blessed.
Happy Birthday Jordan!
I love you and I'm so very proud of you; I am blessed to be your Mom!
"Her children rise up and bless her." Proverbs 28:31

I apologize for the length of my post today, but if you're a mother, I know you will understand.
Thank you for stopping by for tea. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday with me, please let me know in your comment and I will gladly add your link to my post. Hope you all have a beautiful day! 
The participants listed are in the order in which they started to participate.
Judith~ http://lavendercottagegardening.blogspot.com/
Natasha~ http://5minutesjustforme.blogspot.com/
Ladynred~ http://cookandbaking.com/
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
BJ~ http://sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/ Natasha~ http://5minutesjustforme.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi