Hi everyone~ I am happy to be joining
Marty for her
Christmas Cloche Party today.
http://astrollthrulife.blogspot.com/ This is my first time participating and I have a few cloches to share with you.
This small one I have had for a few years now. It's the perfect size for a small nativity or demitasses.

This one holds my kissing angels.

This one is on the mantel and holds a small glittery church.

A little glass house which my DIL gave me years ago looks pretty all lit up for the Holidays and no, it is never left unattended.

A topiary jar filled with Christmas bows stands beside a musical Gingerbread house in the kitchen. The Gingerbread house has a doorbell which when you ring it, the gumdrops will light up and keep time to the music while the house plays Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy. It is a child's delight!

Would you care for a freshly baked Cranberry Pumpkin muffin before you leave? They are just out of the oven and I had to lift the dome several times to clear the condensation off the glass.

Well, those are my cloches. Thank you Marty for hosting this fun party and thank you everyone for stopping by.
Merry Christmas!Sharing from my heart~ Sandi