Waiting in line can be hazardous to your health.... or your testimony!
It's the middle of November and the checkouts in the department stores are getting heavier every day as shoppers try to get their Christmas shopping done. You're getting sneezed on and stepped on. Sometimes you almost get run over as shoppers in their hurry, brush past you and almost knock you off your feet.
It's the middle of November and the checkouts in the department stores are getting heavier every day as shoppers try to get their Christmas shopping done. You're getting sneezed on and stepped on. Sometimes you almost get run over as shoppers in their hurry, brush past you and almost knock you off your feet.
Every year, I promise myself I'm going to get an early start and as usual, I break that promise. Believe it or not, I start thinking about Christmas in July or August and really concentrating on it by September, yet I always manage to put off the shopping. Why is that? Well, one reason is because I'm decorating my house in my head! Then I head for Michael's and other stores where one might find beautiful ornaments and other festive frivolities. I so enjoy the decorating part. It is the one time of year when I can decorate to my heart's content with all the glitz and glitter I want.
But I find the closer we get to December, the more obnoxious people become.
Where has the Christmas spirit gone?
Years ago, especially in small towns, people were feeling pretty jovial as the holidays approached. Today, you don't want to be in a mother's way if she is after that last dolly on the shelf!
I still recall with shame, the behavior of parents back in the early eighties as they tried to buy Cabbage Patch dolls for their little girls. I'm glad I had boys!
I always feel sorry for the cashier at the check out. They are the ones who have to stand for hours and make sure everything is computed correctly into the machine. They are the ones who have to put up with the complaints and smart remarks from the customers this time of year. They can't wait for the rush to be over and they most definitely are not feeling the joy of the season!
So, I guess what I'm leading up to is this: During this 'most wonderful time of the year', do you offer the flustered cashier at the checkout a smile or a kind word after standing in line too long, or do you frown and complain like everyone else? A smile goes a long way. It only takes a second to smile and that just might make someones day!
Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Our witnesses are both seen and unseen.
MY PRAYER- "Help us dear Lord to be a light in our world and offer those around us a smile even when there is chaos all around us! Help us to be gentle, loving, and kind even when others aren't. Help us to represent You well; after all, it is because of Your coming to us that we celebrate in the first place. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen."
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
May the Lord bless you & make you a blessing. ~ Sandi
What a timely reminder. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have had a blessed Lord's day.
ReplyDeleteThis is a practical, common-sense, timely, much needed post. All of us need somebody to step up and remind us to think about what we are saying and doing. Thank you for being the one!
ReplyDeleteWOW! This post touched home only because I work at a grocery store and it is indeed such a hard time of year. I can see the stress on peoples faces as they pay there grocery bill. This is going to be a hard year for so many people,my prayer is that that just don't spend money they don't have. I'm praying that families will be bond together talking and laughing over past memories and enjoy eating food from family recipes, and not to worry so much about buying gifts.And most of all remembering Jesus
ReplyDeleteThank-you for such a great post.
What a timely post. We do most of our Christmas shopping online now. We all can use the reminder to be kind and patient with people which isn't always easy.
ReplyDeleteI love your new teapot. I love the Rose Chintz pattern. I have a few pieces of it.
Good Evening Sandi,
ReplyDeleteI try to get most of my shopping done early but there's always other shopping to be done and I try to be kind and happy. Great advice and a wonderful prayer. May we all remember the reason for the season.
Kathi :)
Sandi, Thanks for visiting my blog today and for your wonderful comment. You are right on the mark about how we should act around this time of year. Our testimonies are showing all of the time and especially around this time of the year.
HI Sandi..
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday Sistah..
I know what you mean, I just came back from K-Mart and the cashier at the lay away was so exhausted she had no help and people were getting impatient. I told her what a great job she was doing despite her calls for help which went unheard. Thanks for this important reminder for such a time as this. Thanks for your visit today and for sharing your heart with me.
Hugz Lorie
Thanks for your visit to my blog. I look forward to your visiting again. Your blog is very beautiful. I see we have a few things in common. Your "Teapot" and other china are beautiful. My oldest daughter likes tea and has a set with blue on it. I know there's a name for it but I can't remember what it is.
ReplyDeleteYour post was great. I do most of my shopping on the internet. I don't drive anymore and walking through the stores are very difficult. God has brought me through a lot and I give Him all the praise that I am alive and well with only a few problems.
Please visit anytime, I look forward to getting to know you.
You mentioned Dr. Gary Chapman in your list of books to read. I use to know a Gary Chapman. Do you know where he is from?
ReplyDeleteM ^..^