Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday 21 April 2014

Easter Monday Tea Time

"Spring had come once more to Green Gables....the capricious, reluctant Canadian spring, lingering along through April and May in a succession of sweet, fresh, chilly days, with pink sunsets and miracles of resurrection and growth." ~ LM Montgomery - "Anne of Green Gables"

Hello my dear friends and welcome to Tea Time! Today is Easter Monday, a holiday for many of us here in Canada, and I've had my hubby home for a nice long break.

The weather has been just wonderful with lots of sunshine and so we have been out enjoying it.
Hubby was supposed to get started at painting the living room over the long weekend but it will wait till next weekend.

I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend too.

Spring as you know is my favourite season of the year. I love how everything is changing and every day you can see those changes taking place.... The grass is turning green, trees are budding, and flowers are growing in the garden. The birds are singing and busy building their nests and the spring peepers are getting ready to start up their chorus behind our home. It really is a magical time of year!

Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz is a pattern that has always reminded me of springtime and it lends a young-at-heart feeling.

This pretty pattern tugs at my heart strings every time I look at it. It is a glorious bouquet of pink roses and soft blue forget-me-nots on a creamy white background, captured under a glaze, to be preserved forever. 

This romantic pattern has charmed me ever since I was a little girl when my auntie set her dinner table with it. When I grew up, and we would visit Auntie, she would always serve coffee in the evening on a big tray with her Rose Chintz coffee pot and mugs.

A lot of these pieces now belong to me as she has so graciously passed them on to me. Thank you, Auntie! It is such a girly pattern and brings such lovely memories to mind. It just makes me happy to look at it!

So, today, I have a little vignette set up on a table in a corner of the living room.

I love pink tulips in my Rose Chintz  jug. Two demi-tasses are stacked beneath a small cloche....

 ...and two bunnies have hopped up on the table.

Tea is a beverage one can enjoy any time of day but in the mid-afternoon when one's strength wanes a bit, a cup of tea is a real pick-me-upper.

 Cup of tea anyone?

"Our friendship is like a pot of tea...a special blend of you and me." ~ Author unknown

"For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass so fresh and sweet;
For song of bird and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee!" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am delighted when you stop by and if you have a teacup, a coffee mug, or teapot to share, please link up below and I will be happy to visit you.
I welcome all your tea wares. Perhaps you have a small collection of creamers or vintage tea spoons. Tablescapes and teascapes, a visit to a tea shop, or a new tea you may have discovered is always welcome too.

Thank you for visiting today and I hope your day is filled with loveliness.

Note: I will be taking a blogging break for a few days so there will not be any Tea Time Tuesday next week. 

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Good Morning my friend wishing you a blessed week. Thank you for hosting... enjoy your break..hugs, C. (HHL)

  2. Happy Easter Monday! Enjoy your vacation. Your setting is beautiful.

  3. Good morning dear Sandi...I hope you had a lovely Easter Sunday!
    I love your Rose Chintz dishes and yes they are girlish, but elegant at the same time and so very English!
    Have a wonderful Easter week.

  4. I'm sure you had a blessed Easter, dear Sandi.
    I never tire of seeing your beloved Rose Chintz pattern and the sweet memories you have of it, and your sweet Aunt. Thank you for hosting and may you enjoy your blogging break. xo

  5. Rose Chintz is lovely set of china. I can see what it is very special to you!

  6. Happy Easter Monday, Sandi! May the message of Easter fill our hearts with unending joy! I love your Rose Chintz vignette. It is so "springy!" Enjoy your blogging break. ~ Phyllis

  7. Sandi: It is so rewarding to know that the Rose Chintz pattern is living on in your hands. You grace it so much with your lovely comments and reminders of days gone by. Love you...Auntie P

  8. The Rose Chintz pattern is so beautiful. How nice for you to have so many lovely memories attached to it. Happy Easter Monday, and have a nice break, Sandi.

  9. Sandi,
    You know I just love this pattern!!

    Easter Monday is no longer a big thing here in the USA like it used to be years ago when I was a child....

    Thanks for the party and enjoy your blogging break, my friend!!


  10. I always enjoy it when you create a tea table with your favourite china Sandi, and your Auntie P was kind to gift you with many of her pieces.
    Thanks for hosting.

  11. Your spring tea setting is so lovely! This china is gorgeous and very very romantic

  12. Beautiful tea set, Sandi! Your spring setting is so pretty! Yesterday was in the 60's so we lost a lot of snow. Still a lot to go, though! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  13. The Rose Chintz pattern is one of my favorites, though I am late to this love. I found one teacup and saucer a couple years ago for under $5 and wish now that I had bought them all. I often pick my one teacup for my breakfast tea and it just makes me smile. You are a lucky girl to have an auntie that instilled this love in you.

  14. I especially love this post since I own quite a few Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz pieces and use these as my everyday dishes because they are so pretty! I first spotted this pattern in Victoria magazine years ago (like 20 years ago, maybe). My grandmother had just found a nice stash of the plates, cups, and saucers (probably from Goodwill!), and when she found out how much I liked them she just gave them to me. You know, I've never done a vignette with these dishes, but I think I'll honor them with a feature spot soon. Sorry to ramble on, but you are clearly my kindred spirit with JBRC!

  15. Hi Sandi,
    I do love Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz china! I have started collecting it too because you have made me love it so! I hope that you have a restful week off from blogging. You will be missed. Thank you for hosting today! Karen

  16. Whoa. I never have seen beauty like this before! Do I have to say it that your Monday Easter tea time is the most gorgeous day? I never had once a tea party in my life, I wish I could with this social, attractive and exquisite with pink floral on it. Gorgeous!

    Sebastian of
    Granny Flat Super Store

  17. I love the Rose Chintz dishes, they are so fresh and pretty. Your little vignette is delightful.

  18. I didn't realize that Easter Monday is a holiday in Canada! I love what I learn blogging! I took off from work to enjoy my family still in town yesterday. Love your beautiful and precious tea set. So glad your auntie gave them to you to enjoy (and share with us!)

  19. Sandi,I would love to join you for tea in such beautiful tea ware. It's all so pretty and with your little bunnies too. Happy Easter x

  20. Lovely Spring tea post! Your chintz is always a delight to see. I am so glad you had a good weather weekend! Sorry about the painting being too, delayed for about a year! lol! Hopefully soon we will have paining done too.

  21. How lovely of your Aunt to pass those pieces to you, very pretty! The vignette is darling!

  22. Hi Sandi, I have always loved your gorgeous Rose Chintz. It is a design for all times. Lovely vignette you created and those bunnies are precious.
    So nice you have some extra days with your hubby home. Enjoy the season and blessings always.

  23. Hi Sandi,
    I love that pattern. It is perfect for spring and looks very pretty with your tulips! Thanks for hosting. Do you have a sponge cake recipe that is easy? I had no luck with mine.

  24. Hi Sandi,
    Your rose chintz china is so pretty!
    It is lovely to see all the signs of spring here now after such a long winter.
    Thank you for hosting!

  25. I really enjoyed your post, and your china is beautiful (as usual). I especially loved the spring quotes, especially Anne of Green Gables. I really like the tulips in the Chintz jug too. Thanks for hosting and enjoy your break!

  26. Hi Sandi: Have a great time of rest. We will miss you. Painting always gives a new feeling to everything. Blessings, Martha

  27. I love the beautiful Chintz, and I think we should have Easter Monday off here in the US. Beautiful photography.

  28. My mother fell in love with the Rose Chintz pattern 15 or 20 years ago, and collected a full set. They will one day be mine (But I am in no hurry!), and will always remind me of her.

  29. Hello! I shared my tea cosies from my shop...hope that's ok :) you have a lovely collection of rose chintz china!

  30. Hi Sandi. Your post looks so spring. Hope the weather in PEI has changed for warmth. Have an amazing weekend.

  31. hello

    I always enjoy coming over here to see your Rose Chintz tea sets

  32. A belated Happy Easter! I just love the rabbits sitting beside the sweet.

    I think Rose Chintz is such a beautiful pattern. I've never seen the coffee pot before. It's so elegant! How special that you inherited many pieces from your aunt.

    I hope you're enjoying more Spring-like weather down east than we are experiencing here in southern Ontario. Today is one windy, cool day!

  33. A belated Happy Easter! I just love the rabbits sitting beside the sweet.

    I think Rose Chintz is such a beautiful pattern. I've never seen the coffee pot before. It's so elegant! How special that you inherited many pieces from your aunt.

    I hope you're enjoying more Spring-like weather down east than we are experiencing here in southern Ontario. Today is one windy, cool day!

  34. Sandi, I don't usually comment but need to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! It is simply beautiful! I have fallen in love with your Rose Chintz dishes. I think it is a combo of the love you feel for your aunt and their very girly presentation. I was in Winnipeg last week for a conference and had a free day to wander around. Guess what I found! The teapot!! I am so excited! I wrapped it so carefully and carried it home on the plane with me. Thanks again for your beautiful blog, love of all things tea and your ongoing inspiration.

  35. Sandi, your Rose Chintz always makes me smile too! Spring is my favorite season as well. Love the renewal of things! I loved the quote about friends and tea! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  36. Sandi your Rose Chintz is always a delight and I can imagine how wonderful it would be to see each and every day. Spring is my favourite time of the year as well, it is a surprise each day to walk in the gardens and see what the sun has drawn from the earth for us.

  37. Hi Sandi!
    I missed this post, it's just wonderful. Oh my, I'm totally nuts about Rose Chintz! I am floral china crazed, can you tell? Such a beautiful setting, love it.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.