Every year around this time we are hearing the sounds of Canadian geese flying overhead. They are a wonder to watch in their V formations and they always let you know when they're coming by their loud honking sounds. They flock together on ponds and rivers awaiting just the right time to fly south for the winter months. We see thousands of them here.......
Now, enough about geese! Today I would like to introduce you to my flock of men....
They are quite the boys, and from the oldest to the youngest, they make my heart truly glad for their presence in my life! I thank God for each one; even when they torture me with their teasing!
First up is my hubby who I adore. He makes me laugh like no one else I know and he is my best friend. I think I'll keep him!

Then there is my oldest son, Jeff.

Next is my son Joel who just became a daddy for the first time.

My youngest son Jordan, is still unattached ladies and is in university studying for his PhD in Math!
Cameron is next on the list. He is my 7 year old grandson.

Brent will be 5 at the end of this month and he goes to kindergarten.
Jared is 3 and he is not at all scared to take on his older brothers!

Cameron, Brent, & Jared are my son Jeff's boys.
Last, but certainly not least, is my newest grandson, Zachary. He is 6 weeks old. He is Joel's son.

God has been very good to me and He has blessed me with an incredible flock of men!
Now, enough about geese! Today I would like to introduce you to my flock of men....
They are quite the boys, and from the oldest to the youngest, they make my heart truly glad for their presence in my life! I thank God for each one; even when they torture me with their teasing!
First up is my hubby who I adore. He makes me laugh like no one else I know and he is my best friend. I think I'll keep him!

Then there is my oldest son, Jeff.

Next is my son Joel who just became a daddy for the first time.

Cameron is next on the list. He is my 7 year old grandson.

Brent will be 5 at the end of this month and he goes to kindergarten.
Jared is 3 and he is not at all scared to take on his older brothers!

Cameron, Brent, & Jared are my son Jeff's boys.
Last, but certainly not least, is my newest grandson, Zachary. He is 6 weeks old. He is Joel's son.

God has been very good to me and He has blessed me with an incredible flock of men!