Welcome everybody~ Today I am joining Sue at It's A Very Cherry World once again for REDnesday and today I have something very close to my heart to share with you; or rather I should say, someone!
Are any of you familiar with Tim Hortons coffee down in the US? Well, here in Canada Tim Hortons is one of the biggest coffee franchises in the country. It is bigger than Starbucks! My son and his wife who live in Vancouver usually drink at least one Tim Horton's coffee a day. While their baby boy Zachary was still very young, they started giving him their empy coffee cup to play with. As Zachary got older, he would cry for the cup!
Hence, this picture taken at Tim Horton's with a little tear on his face because he wouldn't be consoled until he got the cup!
In Canada, people send in their stories to Tim Hortons which revolve around the coffee and my daughter-in-law sent in her picture of Zachary and the cup. He is seven months old in this picture. He is thirteen months now but still wants the cup! You can go to http://www.everycup.ca/ to see the story if you like.

His was the top story in Canada last night; the most popular in over 4400 entries! If he gets enough votes, who knows, perhaps he will make it to a TV commerical! Very exciting times! There is a red car on his jammies and Tim Hortons is in red on the cup. Yes, I'm a very proud grandmother!!
If you read my post on last week's REDnesday, you know I love old tractors and old barns. This little red birdhouse is one I painted a while ago and it sits above my kitchen cabinets.
Happy REDnesday everyone. Please go visit Sue at http://suelovescherries.blogspot.com/ and all the other red participants. Enjoy your day!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi