Today's offering will be short and sweet. I'm on the run so hopefully you will enjoy what I have for you today.
First up, is a beautiful blue hydrangea. I love hydrangeas of all colours but there's something very special about the blue ones!

This is him again before taking a nap. He reminds me of his father, all smiles and not wanting to nap. I miss those days! {I think}
Blue on his t-shirt, blue on his little blankie, and a blue critter; I believe it's Eeyore he is holding. I miss Zachary! This little darling lives way out on the other side of the country! Visits with this grandmother are very far apart! Boo-hoo!!

Thank you Sally for hosting another Blue Monday. You can visit Sally and all her participants by clicking on the link http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ or the Blue Monday button on my sidebar.
UPDATE ON MY MOTHER: She got through her surgery and is recuperating nicely. Thank you so much, all you prayer warriors out there. Your prayers have made a big difference!
Have a nice day everyone and may God bless you!