Hello everyone~ September is a very busy month for birthdays in our family. My little grandson Zachary above, is celebrating his first birthday today! My mother's is tomorrow; my son Jeff and my daughter-in-law Carina, also have birthdays this month!

This little darlin' is my son Joel's little guy. He has four teeth and is pulling himself up and walking around everything. It won't be long and he will be into EVERYTHING, just like his Daddy was! He is a little monkey and no! that is not a real snake he has in his mouth; but then you knew that! His mother is a nurse, so now and then he borrows her stethoscope. He is all boy!Unfortunately, Zachary lives way out on the other side of the country so I won't be able to celebrate there with him, but he sure has a place in my heart. Nanny loves you, Baby!

"Happy Birthday Zachary"
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi