Good morning everyone~ It's Blue Monday and I want to thank Sally for hosting again this week.
I have a few blues for you today. I will start with Hubby's medals that he won for running races and marathons. They are red, white, and blue. He ran for a few years and then got into weight lifting which he is still into. He is in great shape!

He had also won a few ribbons; among those there are some
blue ones, but I can't find them.

These are the medals that my grandsons Cameron and Brent won in soccer this past summer. Again in
blue and white. Sorry I don't have any pictures of them wearing the medals. They were so cute!

Then there is this wall plaque which is above the door in the office. It is one of my hubby's favourite verses from the Bible. When we lived in New Brunswick, we had lead an adult bible study on Sundays evenings after the service and when we were leaving the province to move to Prince Edward Island, one of the things they presented us with was this plaque. It brings back fond memories whenever we look at it! It is
blue also.

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2 is the text written on it.
Thank you for visiting today and please make your way over to
Sally's to see all the other
blue offerings today. Click on the
Blue Monday button on my sidebar or the link
http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ Have a wonderful week everyone.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi