Happy Pink Saturday bloggerettes! I have been pinking up some pumpkins lately and so I have decided to share them with you today.
Normally, I keep a little sugar and creamer set on this little tray.
The sugar bowl holds pink sugar.

I love baby pumpkins because they're sooo cute!
I took this little tarnished silver tray and spray painted it white. Then I spray-painted my little pumpkins and set them on it.
Some of the pumpkins are the real deal while others were orange plastic and I spray painted them all and glittered them up.

I decided to just keep them simple without too much adornment. I like them that way because they tend to sparkle more when the light hits them!Some of the pumpkins are the real deal while others were orange plastic and I spray painted them all and glittered them up.
One day when I was buying flowers for my mother, I found this pretty pink hobnail vase at the flower shop. I cannot wait to put a spring bouquet in it!
Well, pinkie friends those are my pinks for this week. Visit our pink hostess Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ for more pinkness. Hope you all have a delightful weekend.Sharing from my heart~ Sandi