Hello all my blogging buddies~ It's October and it's Pink Saturday time, in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness, and we're all getting ready to show off our pinks again this weekend. Thanks to Beverly who makes this possible. 

Be sure to have your Mammogram!
Today I'm sharing another birdhouse I painted a number of years ago. I call it my bird sanctuary because it houses several little feathered friends. Cream, aqua, and pink are the colours I chose for this one. Actually the pink is in the florals and ribbon.
Then there is this Thomas Kincade "Rock of Salvation" mini lamp which was a gift to my hubby from a friend in our former church . There is an actual light in the top of the lighthouse.

It is hard to see but there is a pink tinted sky in the scene on the lighthouse.
Lastly, I am sharing my new coffee mug. Early every Saturday morning Hubby goes out to breakfast with a men's group before he goes to the gym. But before he goes to the gym, he always brings me home a large coffee. The mug I had been using was black with Latte written on it, and it just wasn't very pretty. Well, it just couldn't compare to this-
This has me written all over it! It has a pink rose, PARIS, and a Frenchy script written on it. Plus it easily holds a large coffee; I love it!
Please visit my friend Suzy @ http://atthefarmhouse-suzyq.blogspot.com/ who is participating in Pink Saturday today for the first time. She has a delightful blog and she lives in lovely Australia.Thanks for stopping by to peek at my pinks. Now make your way over to see Beverly http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ and her party of pinkies. Wishing you all a fabulous pink weekend!
I invite you to join me on Tuesdays for Tea Time Tuesday where we all enjoy the wonderful world of tea!