Charlotte at Charlotte's Weblog http://char72.wordpress.com/ just tagged me.
I answer the following questions. Tag five other bloggers. Let them know they have been tagged.
~Name five things in your purse.
Purse calendar
Tape measure
~Name five things in your work room.
Well since I don't have a work room as such; I work in every room of the house. I will pick the office:
*Family photos
*Filing cabinet
*Bookcase full of books
*Wall clock
~Name five things you've always wanted to do.
*Write a book
*Travel through the States and the land of my ancestors {UK, Germany, Netherlands}
*Build my dream home; a cottage on the beach
*Be able to see my family whenever I want {two of my sons live off Island}
*Have my own home decor shoppe
~Name five things you're into
*Shopping for home decor items
*Spending time on the beach
~Pick five bloggers to do the tag
1. Jenni- http://www.nesttokeep.com/
2. Karla- http://ramblinroadstoeverywhere.blogspot.com/
3. Judith- http://judithsquietmoments.blogspot.com/
4. Carolyn- http://warrengrovegarden.blogspot.com/
5. Debra- http://gloryfeathers.blogspot.com/
Have a lovely day ladies!