I want to thank Betty for the tips on posting photos on my blog while I'm waiting for the browser button to be fixed!
Well, I finally got to meet my little granddaughter, Jenna-Lynn.
She has stolen our hearts and has thoroughly wrapped her Papa around her little finger. She is after all, the first girl born into our family so it's completely understandable!

Jenna-Lynn and her Daddy.
This is Jenna-Lynn's big brother Zachary. He is heavy into Angry Birds.
Zachary loves this cape!

We took a trip to Port Coquitlam where we saw the Terry Fox statue. Terry Fox was a young man who had lost his leg to cancer and attempted to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.
The disease claimed his life in 1981 but his efforts live on as well as his spirit. He is one of our national heroes. "All you need is will, you don't have to be gifted, and your dreams will come through if you try," is written on the plaque.

Here are three of my guys; Hubby, our youngest who joined us from Illinois, and our middle son. Zachary and Jenna-Lynn take a stroll while Nanny takes the picture.
For all my tea friends, this is The Urban Tea Merchant which my DIL and I visited. {Photo courtesy of the Internet}

We had hoped to have tea there but we neglected to make a reservation and they were booked solid that day. I think they would have tried to squeeze us in when they heard that I came all the way from PEI to have tea there, but they had no room.
So, we got our tea to go; a spicy green tea, Christmas Lights, and I tasted my very first french macaron. It was lemon. Mmm!
My beautiful DIL smiles for the camera. We had a wonderful time shopping in the big city.
There was a lot of excitement Christmas morning as you can imagine!
Our youngest son gifted me with this cute teacup ornie from Cracker Barrel. He knows I love teacups and cardinals. Funny thing is my other DIL back home also received this very same teacup. A friend of hers was down visiting in the States and she got one at Cracker Barrel as well. What are the chances of that? We don't have a Cracker Barrel on PEI.
My son with his prized drum kit. All three of my sons are very musical.
On our way to Whistler Village, New Years Day. It was a two hour drive and the scenery was spectacular! Loved the mountains.
We stopped at Shannon Falls in Squamish on the way.
A strange tree formation.
And here we are at Whistler Village with the ski slopes in the background. The air was bone-chilling there and Hubby and our youngest son were cold for a good part of the visit as they weren't dressed for it.
The Village was all lit up for the holidays and looked like a post card.
We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Earl's Restaurant and the food was fabulous! Our youngest took this picture so alas, he is not in it himself.

Here I am taking a picture of my son and DIL while my youngest takes a picture of all of us.
Hubby, Zachary, and me in front of the Olympic Rings.
We had a wonderful visit.
On our way home back to PEI with the sun setting. All we see beneath us is clouds. We flew 3600 miles to get there and pretty tuckered when we got home.
I hope you enjoyed my little peek at Christmas in Vancouver. Please join me on Monday for another Tea Time Tuesday. Thanks for visiting.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi