Good morning all you blue belles; it's Blue Monday!
Over the last number of weeks, I've kept my eye out for anything and everything blue. From signs, to flowers, to houses; I've photographed them all.
I hope you enjoy my little array of blues today, pretty much houses this week ~
Yesterday, Hubby and I stopped to enjoy a burger at our favourite Snack Bar "Shirley's." Shirley makes the best strawberry milkshake on the Island and real hamburgers. Hubby has his blue shirt on. There is a blue can to the right and Pepsi is in blue on the sign overhead.
While on the way to Shirley's we passed this lovely property with this little blue potting shed.
On the way to Shirley's, we also passed this blue house, just newly built in the past couple of years.
Another blue house.

On the way to Victoria Park where we go to have our coffee, we passed a blue house with a little blue play house in the back yard. The lucky little girl who gets to play house in that! You can't tell from the picture but it has gingerbread all along the edge of the roof. Very cute!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi