Hello friends and welcome to my 21st Tea Time Tuesday!
The lilacs are out and so are my pansies so I thought I would share both because the teacup I am featuring today has violets on it. Doing the purple theme today.
This lovely little teacup was a housewarming gift from my hubby's aunt when we moved into our first home. We moved in the month of February; hence the February teacup. Hubby's aunt has since passed away so the teacup holds much sentimental value.
The pattern is called 'Violets' and it is made of fine bone china by Royal Albert in jolly old England. It is one of the 'Flowers of the Month' collection. Inside and out, the teacup is adorned with pert little purple violets. The teacup itself and the saucer are both edged with 14 carat gold.
The pansies are from my garden and they are in my oldest son's silver baby cup which is a bit tarnished but I rather like it like that. I do shine it up from time to time.
Roses are red, Violets are blue.....

People need people and friends need friends
And we all need love, for a full life depends
Not on vast riches or great acclaim
Not on success or worldly fame
But just in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~
Smiling not only increases your face value; it's contagious!
I'm so happy you stopped by today and I hope you have been blessed by being here.
Those of you who would like to participate, please let me know in your comment. Just share a favourite teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would be appreciated as well. Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, I ask you to please link back to me so that others may find their way back here to visit my other lovely participants.
The participants below are listed in the order in which they started participating. Those who have a star beside their link are also hosting a Tea Party.
The participants below are listed in the order in which they started participating. Those who have a star beside their link are also hosting a Tea Party.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
*Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
*Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
The Tablescaper~ http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/ {Knowles China Luncheon}
Ro Magnolia~ http://softwindsandroses.blogspot.com/

"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee." - Numbers 6:24, 25
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi