Hello bloggy friends and welcome to my 16th Tea Time Tuesday.
I hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!
I must apologize for not sharing a more put together tea post today! I realize most of you have participated in a lovely Victorian tea party but I was not able to for several reasons.....I had an incredibly busy weekend.... Hubby and I celebrated an Anniversary, Hubby had a birthday, Mother's Day, and a death in the family; top it all off with incredible back pain for which I have to go to physio for. Therefore my Tea Time post will be short and sweet today.
The one I am sharing with you, I had started to prepare a while ago, so I just added a bit to it. I hope you will enjoy it!
A Teddy Bear's Tea
Today I thought I would share the little tea set my hubby surprised me with last summer.
The teddy bear was a birthday gift from my son Jordan many years ago. The little table Teddy sits at was a thrift find and both the table and the chair were dark brown when I brought them home. I painted and distressed them, giving them a shabby look. The cabinet was purchased to go in the bathroom but it hasn't made its way in there yet. So, in the meantime it poses as a cabinet to house Teddy's china.
Let's cover the table with some lace, shall we? I used one of my aunt's doilies that she crocheted for me.
A peek at some of the china...

Time for tea......The table is set and he's waiting for company.
I had tied ribbon on the tea set and hung them on the tree at Christmastime. Someday I hope to pass them on to a granddaughter.
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." ~ Denis Waitley
Teddy and I would like to thank you for stopping by for tea today. If you would like to join me for Tea Time Tuesday please let me know in a comment. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. A poem, scripture verse, or short story would also be welcome. As a courtesy, I ask that you link back to my post so that others may find their way here to visit all the other participants; thank you! Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use for your tea post if you wish.
Teddy and I would like to thank you for stopping by for tea today. If you would like to join me for Tea Time Tuesday please let me know in a comment. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. A poem, scripture verse, or short story would also be welcome. As a courtesy, I ask that you link back to my post so that others may find their way here to visit all the other participants; thank you! Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use for your tea post if you wish.
The participants listed below are in the order in which they started to participate.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
The Tablescaper~ http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi