Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!
Welcome to Rose Chintz Cottage, bloggerettes ~
The big day is here~ Beverly's 3rd Pink Saturday Birthday Party!
Pink lovers from all over the world are celebrating with our wonderful hostess today. It's sure to be a pinkalicious time for all!
I have made a pink cake for this special occasion and I invite you all to come in and enjoy some with me.
All of the flowers in this post are real!
First up is a pink cupcake adorned with a pink mini carnation. I think pink looks mighty pretty on my Rose Chintz plate!

The big day is here~ Beverly's 3rd Pink Saturday Birthday Party!
Pink lovers from all over the world are celebrating with our wonderful hostess today. It's sure to be a pinkalicious time for all!
I have made a pink cake for this special occasion and I invite you all to come in and enjoy some with me.
All of the flowers in this post are real!
First up is a pink cupcake adorned with a pink mini carnation. I think pink looks mighty pretty on my Rose Chintz plate!
Are you ready for more pink?
A Lavender Rose "Shirley" figurine by Royal Doulton is keeping company with a votive and my favourite pink vase filled with gorgeous soft pink tulips.
And then there is the pink cake! My cake is awaiting you and it's going to taste wonderful with a nice cup of tea. Would you like some? I have arranged some sweet spray roses on the cake. The roses are white with just a blush of pink in them.
I've poured you a cup of tea in a lovely vintage tea cup, a gift from my sweet hubby...
And I've lit three candles....Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!
You see that streak up in the sky? That is my son on his way to Paris! Can you imagine how beautiful it would be looking out into those puffs of cotton candy clouds? He will be there for three weeks on a Math Conference and then two days in Hungary visiting friends. He has a tough life!
Thank you for visiting today and please visit our sweet hostess Beverly ~ http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
and her party of pinkies for a wonderful weekend of pink eye candy. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and Blogger gets ironed out!Sharing from my heart~ Sandi