Good morning everyone~
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Thank you Sally for hosting Blue Monday and thank you to all who visit me today.
Those of you who are regular visitors will notice a change in my blog background. One day last week, I tried to add some frames to my blog and I really messed things up. That's what I get for trying to do something without knowing what I was doing! Anyway, I finally changed my whole blog background because I couldn't get it back to the way it was before.
On to my blues....
This past summer when Hubby and I were on holidays, we toured the eastern part of our fair Isle. We visited one of our gorgeous beaches and saw many other sights including the Wind Farm. Today I will share some photos from the farm with you.
This is one of the signs you will find along the highway down East. All of the signs on our Island highways are in blue and orange. This one down east has a picture of a starfish on it.
Here we are nearing the windmill farm. It is an awesome sight if you have never seen real windmills before!
Getting closer...
Getting very close....
This is how enormous these things are! Compare the windmill to the little farm nestled in front!
Pretty big, eh? There are ten of them with 90 metre {over 270 feet} blade spans. Prince Edward Island is the first province in Canada to have a V-90 wind farm. There is another wind farm at the other end of the Island which we haven't seen yet.
The sky was a vibrant blue that day but I'm sorry it doesn't show up in the pictures.
Now that we're back home, please come inside and I'll serve you some tea from my blue covered teapot. I have a few other pieces that match the teapot, including salt and pepper shakers. They all have a blue ribbon around them with blue flowers sprinkled into the bouquet.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. Thank you for coming, now please take some time and go visit Sally at http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ and the other blue participants. You can click on the Blue Monday button on my sidebar too; it will take you right to Sally's site. Have a wonderful day everybody.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi