Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky is by no means a waste of time. ~ J. Lubbuck
Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday and Happy Labour Day everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Summer is winding down and I have decided now would be a good time to bring out some of my summery teacups one more time. I was hoping to do an outdoor tea but it has been very windy and rainy here over the weekend so it's back in the living room for tea.
I brought out my Summer teacup. I love this one with the English cottage and whisper pink trim.
Royal Albert ~ Summer
"Have you ever really looked at teacups and saucers? There are many similarities among them, yet many differences. Yet...all cups and saucers were designed for a common purpose.
Tea served in this elegant Lady Carlyle tastes lovely.
Royal Albert ~ Lady Carlyle
Teacups and friends? The comparison is obvious. We too have many similarities, many differences, many unique characteristics. We are all different, yet all needed. Fortunately, it takes all of us, each with her own gifts and talents, to serve the needs of God's children.
This sweet Shelley was a wedding gift many moons ago.
Next time you pick up a teacup, think of a friend." ~ Linda Gaither
I love how the author of the quote above compared friends to teacups.

But friendship is the breathing rose with sweets in every fold. ~ Oliver Wendell Homes
Roses on china and on a tea table is always charming.
Who can resist a rose? Certainly not me!
Would you like to join me for a nosh?
I have lemon tea bread on a Royal Albert Serena dessert plate. The plate was a surprise from dear blogging friend, Bernideen @ Bernideen's Tea Time Blog.
I have blueberry oatmeal muffins, fresh from the oven too.
Vintage silverware - a butter knife and tea spoons, treasures from the past. The silver is part of a set, a gift from my grandparents to my mother on her wedding day.
Tea is served! Lemon Ginger tea is ready in my Royal Albert New Country Roses teapot.
Royal Albert Lavender Rose holds the milk and sugar. How do you take your tea?
Oops, I forgot the napkins!
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend!
Today is my little grandson's birthday and he is 6 years old. He's going into grade one too. Happy Birthday Zachary!
Thank you my lovely friends for joining me for tea today. I would love to see your teacups, coffee mugs, teapots/coffee pots, tea shops, and tea treat recipes. Please link up and I will be happy to come and visit you.
I am joining the following parties as well~
Mosaic Monday
A Return to Loveliness
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea in the Garden
Home Sweet Home
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi