Good morning bloggy friends~
How are you all doing? It's a nice sunny but breezy day here on the Island. We awoke to a light dusting of snow on the ground but it won't stay long now. I believe the farmers call any snow we get from now on, "Farmers' fertilizer." Fertilizer or not, I'm happy that Spring is here and in April, the songbirds will be back!

For several months now, I have been doing some pondering about what to do about awards and tags. Some of you may be aware that I have three blogs and I try to keep them up to date as best I can.
I thought about keeping all my awards in another blog as some of you do, but I am pressed for time and the time I do have, I would like to spend writing and visiting your blogs.
So, I have made a decision not to accept any more awards or tags. I hope you understand and will not be offended by my decision. I do value your friendship most of all!
Those of you who have blessed me with awards in the past, I thank you for your thoughtfulness and I feel very honoured that you have passed these awards on to me!
At the bottom of my blog are all of the awards along with the names and links of those from whom I received them. I even made a couple myself at one time to give away. I will leave them on to acknowledge all the generous folks who have given an award to me.
There is a lot of love in blogland which is evident by the number of awards below. Thank you again to each one of you and the Lord bless you for your generosity. I pray you all have a beautiful day.