Good day everyone~ A couple of people have been wondering why I still have 'snow' falling on my blog when it is now the middle of June!
One reason I created my blog was so that I could have an avenue to express myself. There are times when you visit that you will find me sharing about my family, my home, and my collections. Other times I will share my faith and every once in a while, my dreams.
You see, I like to use my imagination! I believe God has the greatest imagination of all and He has created within each one of us, an imagination of our very own. We are all unique in our own special way and it's how we use our imaginations that speaks of who we are.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved playing house and when I got married, I brought that same love into my marriage. You're never too old to play house!! I loved tea parties, colouring books and crayons, dolls and critters. I loved fairies and flowers and anything that glittered, sparkled, or twinkled. I loved the world of make-believe and all the romantic fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. I still love those things today and I still have that little girl living inside of me. Every once in a while, that little girl shares what is on her mind; be it ever so fanciful!
Most people, especially women, are of the opinion that men never grow up; that inside of every man is a little boy waiting to get out. Well, I happen to believe that we women also have a little girl living inside of us. We just express it differently than our male counterparts.
Some of us express ourselves through gardening, while others through decorating, writing, or collecting things. Still others like having babies and making a home for their families. We all have our unique ways of expression and it is all good!

So, now you know! I am loving the whimsical touch the fairy dust brings to my blog. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go take a nap in a little pink rosebud. I will dream of fairies dressed in pink, and dancing amidst the warm breezes where soft white rose petals swirl and float in a fragrant garden. Have a wonderful and fanciful day everyone!